I hate the holidays.
They are the reason I worked 13 hours today. 13. Yep, that's right, 13. WHY!?
Because along with the small but incredibly-time-consuming freight shipment that we usually get, we also got a massive amount of turkeys (and a bigger-than-normal produce shipment, but that isn't my department, just in my way. Oh, and the produce manager wasn't there when it came, so I got to move it all around while I tried to do my job, until it could be put away. GRRRR!!). But of course, they didn't come when everyone was there, willing to work their rears off. Nope, they had to come right when they all left. And we were already short people. We only had 4 people total to get everything done (2 checking things in in the back, 2 putting things out), with 1 having to leave at 4, the other at 4:30. And the girl who I gave a ride to this morning had to find another ride home, so she left at 4, too. So, I was alone from 4:30 until 10 PM. Thankfully I didn't have to check in all the frozen turkeys that came today, but I did have to figure out which ones weighed the closest to the turkey pre-orders and tape (Ha! Yeah right! Tape LOVES moisture!) them to the turkeys. Then I had to put them all in totes (black plastic boxes that held an average of 2 WHOLE TURKEYS!!!). Then those went in the fridge. Thankfully, for that, I had 3 other people helping. 2 25-pound turkeys in 1 box are not light. My back will be killing me tomorrow (Hey, massage-therapist friend! Want some practice?) Then I got to start checking in supplements left over from Thursday (about 7), the ones from UPS, and the ones from Fed-Ex. Checking in supplements involves opening boxes ranging from small to HUGE and taking out ALL little the pill bottles, arranging them by type on the desk, scanning them and checking against the invoice (once I find it and mark everything up properly) that the amount shipped and the suggested retail price is right. Most of the boxes where HUGE, and there was probably between 20 and 25 boxes to do. All by myself. I did train a girl, but I learned that if I work by myself, I get things done a lot faster. I'm easily distracted, you see, and she's very much fun to talk to. And I still didn't get them all done. I'm am NOT going in tomorrow. The freight manager had BETTER show up.
To top it off, I'm on my period. Cramps make everything better.
So, I'm exhausted, and really don't know why I'm posting this now. I really want to be in the bathtub, or falling asleep in a nice, snugly bed. But, I just knew you were all dying to know how my job is killing me.
By the way, this is the second time I've done this (staying after by myself), and the third time I've stayed really late to get things done. If I don't get employee of the freaking year, I will bomb the store.
I blame the turkeys.
A small voice of truth and calmness in the storm of thousands. . . .Okay, not really. I'll just be adding to the whole mess.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Medical School is Now in Session
So, The Man has an ulcer, for all you out there who didn't know that already. A bleeding one at that. Fun times for all. He went to the doctor a while ago though, and was given Prevacid. Now, I'm not a big fan of prescription meds, as my job and desire to be a Master Herbalist will attest. I believe, very very strongly, that Heavenly Father put everything we need to heal ourselves on this earth; that there is no need for us to try to find chemical versions of these natural medicines. Especially since the drug companies insist on charging us so much money for the chemical versions. But then, so do the supplement companies that sell the natural versions. BUT, if it comes down to it, I'm sending my family to the doctor. Because those chemicals DO work, I just don't like them.
Anyway, the Prevacid is helping. So is the cayenne, fennugreek, and marshmallow root. And the apple cider vinegar did wonders for his pain, when it would flare up. And apparently it worked really well, because, even though it apparently tasted disgusting, he kept taking it when the ulcer would hurt. Twice a day for about 4 days. He hasn't had to take it at all in a couple of days. Yay! Oh, and apparently, though he hasn't tried this yet, aloe vera juice will heal it too. But why mess with what's working, right? Also, apparently I like the word apparently. Apparently a lot.
As for me, well, the middle toe on my left foot hurts, for no apparent reason, and has for 3 weeks now. Ever since I started my new position. It hurts to walk, stand, run, sit, sleep, everything. It really sucks. And I have to get up at 5:30 AM TWICE next month, because the store manager is a sadist and insists on having the employee meetings and manager meetings at 7 AM. Not too bad a time, if you live a few minutes away, but when you live half an hour away, and it takes you an hour just to get showered, dressed, and eat, well, then you know The Manager hates you. *sigh* Why did I want this job again?
Anyway, the Prevacid is helping. So is the cayenne, fennugreek, and marshmallow root. And the apple cider vinegar did wonders for his pain, when it would flare up. And apparently it worked really well, because, even though it apparently tasted disgusting, he kept taking it when the ulcer would hurt. Twice a day for about 4 days. He hasn't had to take it at all in a couple of days. Yay! Oh, and apparently, though he hasn't tried this yet, aloe vera juice will heal it too. But why mess with what's working, right? Also, apparently I like the word apparently. Apparently a lot.
As for me, well, the middle toe on my left foot hurts, for no apparent reason, and has for 3 weeks now. Ever since I started my new position. It hurts to walk, stand, run, sit, sleep, everything. It really sucks. And I have to get up at 5:30 AM TWICE next month, because the store manager is a sadist and insists on having the employee meetings and manager meetings at 7 AM. Not too bad a time, if you live a few minutes away, but when you live half an hour away, and it takes you an hour just to get showered, dressed, and eat, well, then you know The Manager hates you. *sigh* Why did I want this job again?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Job is Tamborine Man
Yay for drugs! I have found a nice little white pill that takes all my problems away on cloudy days, and that isn't addicting. As in, if I wake up feeling happy, I don't need the pill to stay that way. And, it helps me sleep. What a dream pill. No more being depressed and unable to come out of it just because it's cloudy outside. Stupid vitamin D.

I completly and totally, love my job. No particular reason. Just thought I would share that.
Oh, and I have some awesome (I think) pictures of the mountains by my house from last week. 
How cool is that? And it was all sunny and nice by our house. The clouds are actually moving away from us, they had been raining on us all morning. My happy pills are what made me appreciate the way this looked, and I just had to force you all to appreciate it too.
And here's a picture of Dogs 1 and 2 just itching to get out in the front yard and sniff our bushes:
Monday, November 3, 2008
AI my A**
So our computer hasn't been broken since we reformatted the hard drive the first time. It had just decided that it was going to try to run off of our external hard drive instead of the actual hard drive. Why? Because it wanted to. One of our friends said that his computer will try to boot from his wife's ipod if it's plugged in to it and it's turned on. I thought computers were supposed to be smarter than that. Guess not.
And the view of the mountains from our front yard was amazing when I left for work this morning. I wish I had had my camera then. Or better yet, a cell phone with a camera. It was so cool. I was going to take a picture when I got home, forgetting that by going back to real time, it would be darkish when I got off work. Oh well. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Anyone want to get me a picture capable cell phone for Christmas? I'll even let you pay the bill. You lucky dog, you. Then no one will ever have to miss out on the many beautiful pictures I can take.
Aw, come on!
And the view of the mountains from our front yard was amazing when I left for work this morning. I wish I had had my camera then. Or better yet, a cell phone with a camera. It was so cool. I was going to take a picture when I got home, forgetting that by going back to real time, it would be darkish when I got off work. Oh well. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Anyone want to get me a picture capable cell phone for Christmas? I'll even let you pay the bill. You lucky dog, you. Then no one will ever have to miss out on the many beautiful pictures I can take.
Aw, come on!
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