Since I have absolutely nothing else to write about, and I can't find the camera-to-computer cord, so I can't post pictures, and it's been over a month since I posted, and I figure you all are salivating to hear about MY THOROUGHLY ENTERTAINING LIFE!!!!!! you're getting a list, in no particular order, of things that always make me extremely happy.
1. BOOKS!!! Oh how I love books. Fiction mostly, though I consistently try to get myself to read non-fiction books. I love to learn things, but non-fiction books are hard to get through. Most of the time. The bookshelves we have in our house are crammed, mostly, yet I still don't feel there are enough. I must be surrounded by books. They are soooooo comforting. Also, I love the library.
2. Nice weather. And no, I'm not just saying that because the weather is actually nice today (hallelujah!). I hate winter with a passion that drives me to stay in bed until spring. And if spring isn't springy enough, I will stay until it changes enough to make me happy. I'm also terrified of freezing to death, which may contribute to my love of nice, warm weather. I also like the green.
3. The Man (I would be a bad bad wife if I didn't put him on the list). He's so HOT. And nice to boot. He picks on me all the time, but I think I can live with that. The last particularly memorable thing he did, was tell me not to make noise when I threw up, because it was gross. I was leaning over the garbage can, just waiting for it to come, and trying not to cry, because I was soooooo sick of being sick and throwing up. He asked what I was doing, I told him, and he said to keep it quiet. That made me laugh, which, thankfully, also made me feel better (though he did tell me to shush when I gagged a few minutes later).
4. Soft serve vanilla ice cream. I love the stuff. And I'm not boring because I like vanilla. Chocolate ice cream looks like poop on a cone, and tastes nasty. I just have more refined ice cream tastes than most people.
5. Fresh cherries. Do you have any idea how happy I am that cherry season is coming? Do you? Do you really? I don't think so. I plan every summer to eat enough cherries to make myself sick. And I enjoy every delicious moment of it. Too bad frozen and canned aren't nearly as good. Lack of cherries is one more reason I hate winter.
6. Heaters. Of all sorts. We have a small portable one we keep (mostly) under our computer desk, and I almost always have it on, even when it's 80 degrees in the house. I'm not cold, not really, it's just comforting. I blame the old furnace vents in the house I grew up in. They blasted hot air when the furnace was on, and me and The Little Brother would sit in front of them until they turned off. Sometimes we would stay there huddled, until it came back on. I'm sure it drove my parents nuts. But it was SO WARM. Made it very hard to get dressed for school.
7. Colors. I love colorful things. I'm too lazy to be very proactive in making things colorful, like painting my walls, but I love to look at them. I can't really describe what I mean, because there are certain colors, or maybe combinations, that don't make me very happy, but aren't necessarily ugly. Then there are others that just make me want to stay in one place and stare.
8. Baths. Again with the heat. If I don't want to get naked, I will fill up the tub just enough to cover my feet and have the water go up my calves a little, and just sit on the edge of the tub until my butt is numb and read, with my feet in the water. I will periodically drain some of the water when it gets cold and refill it with hot. I used to do this in the sink, when we didn't have a tub.
9. Sunlight. Also having to do with heat. And the fact that it literally makes me happy. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (probably yet ANOTHER reason I hate winter), so being in the sun gets my vitamin D thing on, and I get happy. Just ask The Man. I am much easier to be around in the spring and summer than fall and winter. And it's warm. I can't pass up warm things. I'm like a cat. My dream home will have a window that constantly has a patch of sunlight shining through, just so I can lay on the floor (sitting in a chair just isn't as good) in it. I will negotiate with God to get the sun to stay in one place. Or maybe I'll just have an all glass house and follow the sun around.
10. Animals. If I could live on a farm, all I'd want to do is take care of the animals. I love them all, as long as they aren't mean. I have had a multitude of pets growing up (dogs, cats, turtles, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and fish mostly), and I would love to house a zoo at my home. Mostly I want a couple of rats, but The Cats would probably try to eat them, since they seem to be mousers. I would also like to have an iguana, turtles again, maybe some frogs, a ferret, a tortoise, an owl because they are just cool, a pig, a horse, a goat, and a cow (I think cows are cute. Stupid, but cute). Just to name a few.
The End.
P.S. I'm 20 weeks as of yesterday! Halfway there baby! Though I'm barely showing yet, which is annoying. And I'm not feeling any movement yet, which is a little worrisome, but I think everything is okay at the same time. I can't wait for all this to be over. Then I can worry about something I at least can SEE.
P.P.S We will be finding out in June what it is. We want a girl. We will probably get a boy (which we won't be sad about. Girl clothes are just so much cuter though!). We waited as long as we have because
A) this being our first, it kind of came up fast. We are still in a semi-state of shock. At least I am.
B) We also wanted to make sure that (if it's a boy) his junk was big enough to actually see without a lot of guessing and thinking it might be a thumb or something. Though that may happen anyway.
C) Probably a little bit of fear mixed in there. Hearing the heartbeat at our first midwife appointment also did that. Actually seeing it, wow. And what if something is wrong with it? But, we will be making the appointment for the ultrasound this Wednesday. I'm guessing we will then have it done at our appointment after this one, which will be in June.