I've been avoiding posting much here for a couple of reasons.
1) I feel like all I want to post is political stuff, and my views don't seem to be commonly held by most people I know. I try pretty hard to not talk about political stuff with anyone that I don't know if they will agree with me, just to keep the peace. Plus, I find a lot of it very confusing, especially when I'm bombarded by people who are very enthusiastic about politics trying to change my mind. I'm not good at arguing my point, especially to people who aren't actually willing to listen with an open mind, but rather to listen so they can show me where I'm wrong. I get flustered very easily. I base absolutely everything I do and believe in on how it makes me feel. I do realize that doing that makes me extremely open to falling for bullshit spin-doctoring, but if something I previously felt good about suddenly (or not so suddenly) makes me feel less than thrilled, it is put aside to either figure out which is true for me (truth is pretty subjective sometimes), or I cast it aside because it is no longer important for me to really hold any sort of opinion on it. Also, my politics, religious, and life views are going through a major shift right now, and I'm not really open to talking about it much, though that may change in the near future.
2) My life is incredibly boring. Seriously. And I think most parents understand this, especially the ones that stay home. I mean, The Man comes home and I get all excited to tell him about how I actually managed to get away from my computer long enough to walk to Smiths, and how, once again, I was amazed at how good it felt to get outside, even though I think my ears turned to icicles it was so cold. Or that I scooped the dog poop in the backyard. Or vacuumed. Thrilling stuff, let me tell you.
But, I'm trying people. I do want to keep writing stuff, because I'm funny and clever, and I need to share that with everyone in the world.
So, what's going on in my life right now?
Well, I'm mourning the fact that Baby Cakes is now down to once a day breastfeeding, and no longer needs me to rock her to sleep, at least for her naps. I'm not sure about at night, because her room is pretty dark, and I have crappy crappy vision in the dark. I think she's usually pretty awake though. There is a huge part of me that doesn't miss that her only comfort was my boob, but it's hard giving up getting to hold that sleeping baby. Thankfully, I think she would be pretty upset if I just stuck her in her crib, so I still get to cuddle her and rock her a little bit. I'm still breastfeeding her at night before she goes to bed, because I still can, and it seems to soothe her so much. But that will probably also soon go the way of the Quagga, and I think that's part of what makes me so sad. Nursing is so bonding, and was such a huge part of my life, and hers. Her weaning is her taking one more step away from me and one step closer to independence.
Good gravy, I never thought I would be saying or even thinking something like that when she's not even a year and a half old.
Also, flopping your boob out every 2 hours is not nearly as liberating as you might think, though not wearing a bra for most of the day is certainly more comfortable.
I'm also working hard on figuring out how to make a lot of our own convenience foods, like cake mixes, soup mixes, snacks, etc. The Man stepped down from his supervisor position at work because the stress was killing him, and so he could go to school, but he's taking a massive pay cut in the process. I'm hoping that we can get on food stamps, because otherwise we will have to eat ramen and hot dogs. And not the good hot dogs either. Me getting a job is out of the question, for various reason, though I'm hoping to figure out a way to motivate myself to crochet stuff to sell. It won't be much, but I might be able to make myself enough money to keep myself in my yarn addiction, at least. I've been finding tons and tons of websites dedicated to being fugal though, and so if I can just wrap my head around all the information I'm reading, I think I'll be able to manage keeping us fed with goodish food.
It's now time for........
Stuff About Me You Never Wanted to Know!!!
What TV show or movie do you watch when you really need to calm down and come back to yourself?
The answer to that question really varies. It depends on why I'm wound up. If I'm depressed or super stressed, a really funny show does it for me. I'm partial to British comedies like The I.T. Crowd and Red Dwarf. I also like Arrested Development and Better Off Ted. I have yet to find a really funny movie that I want to watch over and over again, though Kung Fu Panda came really close (I think The Man ruined that one, since he watches it on repeat when he's sick).
If I need to mellow out because I'm angry, I will watch something like Bones, Lie To Me, or various British detective shows and/or Dramadies (Doc Martin being my current favorite).
And of course, no matter what mood I'm in, Across The Universe just makes me feel all hippie inside, and I love that. And that movie. You should all watch it. Right now. Just do it. You know you want to.