Sorry to all you many, many people out there who read my blog and comment so much, for not posting recently. Believe me, it was for good reason. Why, you ask? Well, frankly, my life is boring. No, no, quiet those protests. I know how interesting I am, but somehow, that doesn't seem to rub off on my life. Maybe I play to many video games or something. . . .nah.
I still love my job. Can you believe it!?! I have NEVER loved any form of employment. I'm too lazy! But I love this job. I haven't been looking forward to going lately because I've been so tired, but I still love being there, once I'm there. Crazy!!! I never thought I'd see the day. Though I fear I'm turning into a crazed health-nut. Oh, I still like my Burger King (those fries love me as much as I love them!), and I get said Burger King when The Man can't bring me dinner. I mean, it's just across the street. How tempting is that?! But back to being a crazed health-nut: as I was going to Burger King yesterday to get my lusciousness for dinner, I was trying very hard not to breathe. Why? Because the air was full of all sorts of crap because of an impending storm that never happened. Smog and dirt, and nasty things, I'm sure. All I could think was "I don't want to breathe this crap!" But it's hard to keep driving and not breathe at the same time. Takes some talent. I was quite happy about breathing when I drove home though, because it was dark, and I couldn't see the crapiness of the air. Guess I'm never going to visit L.A. I'll probably pass out from lack of oxygen before I even get out of the car. So, yay for loving your job!
I am drinking the BEST JUICE EVER right now. Bolthouse Farms 100% Clementine Juice. Love it. It really does taste like clementines. Work has also given me all sorts of new food addictions. Thankfully, they are probably better for me than say, Dr Pepper. So, go out to your local health food joint and buy you a bottle of this nectar from the gods. You will thank me for it, I promise.
Work romances, yay or nay? Really, I want your opinions. I'm okay with them, seeing as how I met The Man at work. But there is a girl I work with that asked a guy I work with to go to a school dance with her. He wanted to say no (I found out last night), but said "Maybe, I think I have something going on," instead. She heard "Maybe. I don't think I have something going on." And proceeded to tell everyone at work that they were going to the dance together. She asked everyone for date ideas, and kind of dressed up for him one day. He's a super nice guy, and so is struggling on how to tell her no. And he's got to, because I think she really likes him, and if he ends up going to this dance with her, she will have the impression that he likes her. Well, she already has that impression. This is were I told him to lie (bad, bad blogger!) and say he had a family emergency come up. After this weekend, I will probably try to let her know that he really doesn't like her as much as she thinks he does, he's just a really nice guy. She's a good Mormon girl who doesn't encourage lying, and he's a bad Mormon boy who likes to say the "F-word" a lot and he doesn't think she'd like that too much. And he doesn't like her. But that's not really important when it comes to love, now is it?
A small voice of truth and calmness in the storm of thousands. . . .Okay, not really. I'll just be adding to the whole mess.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Getting. . .very. . . sleepy. . . .
I am so wiped out. I just worked on a day I'm used to having off, and had to work register 3, instead of 1 or 2, which means I was stuck facing the dairy section all day. SO BORING!!!! The dairy section isn't that big, so it doesn't take very long. Thankfully, freight came in today, so I had a bunch of stuff I could put out, even though it wasn't my job. Then I spent a couple of hours organizing the teeny tiny freezer in the back. That sucked! No one in that store ever attempts to keep that freezer organized. It was a mess! I was pretty pissed about being on 3 again, until the assistant manager told me that he and the store manager were planning on using me to fill the lead cashier position soon. They think I'm very reliable and a hard worker, so they want me to take that position. They've had a hard time filling it because every time they start to think someone is ready for it, they quit. It really made my day better. Unfortunately, I'm also scheduled 5 days next week! AAAAHHHHH!!! I talked to the store manager, who is a freaking bear and just as scary, and I hope I didn't piss him off by mentioning that I don't want full-time hours. But then, most people want more hours than they are getting. It's just that I know we don't need me to be working that much, so I really don't want to. It's hard work! And I'm L.A.Z.Y. I guess we'll see what happens.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Silence has Strength
This video makes me choke up. I would love to see this in real life. Word of warning; if you don't like religious things, don't watch. Well, watch anyway, the guys photography ability is amazing!
Reflections of Christ
Reflections of Christ
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
"I'm going inside, it's cold. . ."
Whoever said, "Winter comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb," was dead wrong. In fact, if they are not dead already, I will make sure to put them out of their misery for making such a false statement.
The last two weeks have proven to me that Winter is a screaming three year old throwing a tantrum in the middle of the store because he isn't getting what he wants, i.e., to stick around, and Spring has to drag him out kicking and screaming and clawing at everything he can get a hold of.
I detest winter. I'm ready for it to be over 1 week after it starts. So the way it keeps hanging on is driving me batty! On Monday, the weather was a perfect 81 degrees, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. The next day, it snowed. Oh, it didn't stick at all, BUT IT STILL SNOWED!!!! GAAAHHH!
Has anyone else ever noticed that all the seasons except winter are depicted as gentle, beautiful, women? And winter as a crotchety, old man (usually)? There must be some correlation to this. . . . My favorite Old Man Winter was Grandpa Simpson's version in the episode about Homer's Mr. Plow business. That is exactly how I picture him, in his faded long johns with ice cubes tied around his head, laughing manically. I'd be crotchety too.
The last two weeks have proven to me that Winter is a screaming three year old throwing a tantrum in the middle of the store because he isn't getting what he wants, i.e., to stick around, and Spring has to drag him out kicking and screaming and clawing at everything he can get a hold of.
I detest winter. I'm ready for it to be over 1 week after it starts. So the way it keeps hanging on is driving me batty! On Monday, the weather was a perfect 81 degrees, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. The next day, it snowed. Oh, it didn't stick at all, BUT IT STILL SNOWED!!!! GAAAHHH!
Has anyone else ever noticed that all the seasons except winter are depicted as gentle, beautiful, women? And winter as a crotchety, old man (usually)? There must be some correlation to this. . . . My favorite Old Man Winter was Grandpa Simpson's version in the episode about Homer's Mr. Plow business. That is exactly how I picture him, in his faded long johns with ice cubes tied around his head, laughing manically. I'd be crotchety too.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Money Money Money
Thank you Turbo Tax! I finally got my taxes done, after forgetting about them, then losing my W-2 and 1099-MISC forms. Pure panic, that was. I hate tax time, but we qualified for that "We started that stupid war that's sucking our economy dry, so we will give you even more money to spend" rebate though, which is nice, since we didn't get much back in our refund. There is so much we want to do with it! We will probably end up buying a Wii from our friend who never plays his anymore, which will add to our already massive number of playable consoles we have in our house. Not that we actually play most of them. But it's cool to have so many.
And since it's Saturday night, I can't stop thinking about the fact that we STILL haven't been released from our Sunbeams calling. I was talking to one of the mothers of the kids and she found out that we use the same manual to teach the just-barely-turned-4 year olds that they use for we've-been-4-for-awhile, 5, 6 and 7 year old kids. She was actually quite annoyed. Which made me think, if I'm going to be stuck in this calling for another 10 years, I'm not going to be teaching them things that they don't understand. I know that the previous Sunbeams teacher didn't. So I'm going to talk to the new Primary president and see if she'll let me go down a level with that. If there are actually lessons that the kids can understand, maybe they will actually sit still for 2 seconds and learn something. And enjoy it. Even if I have to tie them to their chairs to accomplish it. But let's all cross our fingers, pray to whatever God you pray to (dirt, money, trees, etc.) and all hope that we get released tomorrow.
And since it's Saturday night, I can't stop thinking about the fact that we STILL haven't been released from our Sunbeams calling. I was talking to one of the mothers of the kids and she found out that we use the same manual to teach the just-barely-turned-4 year olds that they use for we've-been-4-for-awhile, 5, 6 and 7 year old kids. She was actually quite annoyed. Which made me think, if I'm going to be stuck in this calling for another 10 years, I'm not going to be teaching them things that they don't understand. I know that the previous Sunbeams teacher didn't. So I'm going to talk to the new Primary president and see if she'll let me go down a level with that. If there are actually lessons that the kids can understand, maybe they will actually sit still for 2 seconds and learn something. And enjoy it. Even if I have to tie them to their chairs to accomplish it. But let's all cross our fingers, pray to whatever God you pray to (dirt, money, trees, etc.) and all hope that we get released tomorrow.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Religion and Housewives
I Can Not Stand religious themed forwards. You know the ones. The ones that imply at the end that you must not love baby Jesus if you don't forward it to at least 100 people in 5 minutes. I must hate baby Jesus, as I always delete those without even reading them. The Mom always sends them to me, and it's quite annoying. I mean really people, isn't there a better way to let people know that you are a nice, humble, God-fearing Christian without sending out mass e-mails with vomit-inducing cutesy type pictures and quotes? I'm glad that you are so proud of the fact that you love Jesus so much. Just don't send me e-mails telling me that I'm going straight to hell if I don't agree with you, disguised as caring, anymore. I personally think that those e-mails are a sin right up there with murder. I know Jesus loves you, and me, and all of us! Ain't it wonderful! But I don't need an e-mail to remind me of that fact. I just need to pray and read my scriptures. The only person that can get away with those e-mails in my world is The Dad, as he is a minister, and those kinds of sentiments are more expected. I mean, it is his job.
On the other hand, The Little Sister-In-Law sent me this in an e-mail:
I hope it's readable (if you right-click on it, and open in a new tab/window, it's a little bit bigger). This is hilarious. It's hard to imagine that women all over the country read this and actually thought it was true! And tried to do it all! My favorite line is the one that says that the man is the master of the home and will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. HIS will. Or else it's the one that says to take 15 minutes to rest before he gets home so that you look like you don't do anything all day, then continues to tell you what you need to do 5 minutes before he gets home because you wasted all that time resting. No wonder women's lib threw up all over society in the 60's. I probably would have gone on a murderous rampage being told that I, my day, problems, and opinions didn't matter one whit. If I am obligated to listen to The Man's rants, than he is definately obligated to listen to mine. Hilarious!
On the other hand, The Little Sister-In-Law sent me this in an e-mail:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Today is the day that I learned to never microwave a brownie. Even if it is still raw after being baked for 45 minutes. Not for 2 minutes anyway. It's not very appetizing, even if it does look like it is.
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