I Can Not Stand religious themed forwards. You know the ones. The ones that imply at the end that you must not love baby Jesus if you don't forward it to at least 100 people in 5 minutes. I must hate baby Jesus, as I always delete those without even reading them. The Mom always sends them to me, and it's quite annoying. I mean really people, isn't there a better way to let people know that you are a nice, humble, God-fearing Christian without sending out mass e-mails with vomit-inducing cutesy type pictures and quotes? I'm glad that you are so proud of the fact that you love Jesus so much. Just don't send me e-mails telling me that I'm going straight to hell if I don't agree with you, disguised as caring, anymore. I personally think that those e-mails are a sin right up there with murder. I know Jesus loves you, and me, and all of us! Ain't it wonderful! But I don't need an e-mail to remind me of that fact. I just need to pray and read my scriptures. The only person that can get away with those e-mails in my world is The Dad, as he is a minister, and those kinds of sentiments are more expected. I mean, it is his job.
On the other hand, The Little Sister-In-Law sent me this in an e-mail:

I hope it's readable (if you right-click on it, and open in a new tab/window, it's a little bit bigger). This is hilarious. It's hard to imagine that women all over the country read this and actually thought it was true!
And tried to do it all! My favorite line is the one that says that the man is the master of the home and will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness.
HIS will. Or else it's the one that says to take 15 minutes to rest before he gets home so that you look like you don't do anything all day, then continues to tell you what you need to do 5 minutes before he gets home because you wasted all that time resting. No wonder women's lib threw up all over society in the 60's. I probably would have gone on a murderous rampage being told that I, my day, problems, and opinions didn't matter one whit. If I am obligated to listen to The Man's rants, than he is definately obligated to listen to mine. Hilarious!
hmmmmm....doesn't the Bible say something about husbands being the head of their wives?
ReplyDeleteBut My Big Fat Greek Wedding says, "Husbands may be the head of the household, but the wife is the neck, and she can turn the head any way she wants." And My Big Fat Greek Wedding is definatly more important than the Bible.
ReplyDeleteyou think that's true? i don't think anything is more important than the Bible.
ReplyDeleteummmm. . . .kidding? Really.