A small voice of truth and calmness in the storm of thousands. . . .Okay, not really. I'll just be adding to the whole mess.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Congratulations! It's a Dog!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
I Always Forget to Put In A Freaking Title!
But, back to the subject of my class: I LOVE IT!!!! This first part is a cake-walk, but that's okay, because I'm learning all sorts of nifty keen stuff. Today's lesson was on raw foodism, and what it's all about, and why it could be beneficial. And while I'm not going to turn into a rabbit, it has some valid points. So many nutrients and enzymes and good for you stuff gets destroyed when you cook foods, especially if you boil them. Though I thought it funny that you actually get more good from tomatoes if they are processed. Dan Quayle was right, ketchup should be part of the food groups. Though not vegetables. Because tomatoes are not a vegetable. They are fruit. A fruit, dang it! I know I'm right because I'm in school.
I also learned that the action of chewing can relieve stress, and that's a big reason we eat when we are stressed. Oh, and blueberries are better for you if they are cooked. Too bad blueberries are of the devil. And at work, I learned that Kombucha smells and tastes like beer. YUM! Okay, not really. The grape flavored one even burns like alcohol does, but the Multi-Green doesn't. Yay for mushroom juice! I guess it's supposed to be really good for you. I know that The San Horhey Friend used to make this tea juice ickiness that's supposed to be good for you that The Man really liked. I wonder if it's the same?
And now for total randomness: What's with swearing? Is it bad, good, mediocre, slightly burnt but still okay? I've started swearing more, and I'm not sure what I think about it. I try not to, at least not casually, but when you keep slamming your finger in doors and cabinets, and your teenager of a dog keeps jumping on you because it thinks it's a Chihuahua and not a German Shepard, it's hard not to. But I would still prefer to not hear it, though. But are they just words, that really have no meaning except what we give them, and if we would just stop thinking of them as bad words, they no longer would be, or are they really bad words and it makes the devil laugh and the angels cry if we say them? I'm slightly confused about it all. The Man swears when he's stressed, especially if he's playing a video game that was only produced to piss you off, and when he's around certain friends. Some of our friends swear pretty regularly, and others don't at all. And me, like I said, I pretty much try to keep it to when it's appropriate. I really don't think that it's right to swear just to get a rise out of people. But saying certain words when you are really upset, shocked, or hurt, seems to release something, some kind of energy. Except when I'm angry. Then I just get more angry when I swear. Maybe it's because I'm calling an actual, living, usually breathing, human a word that I find really insulting. I wish there were other words to get across the point you want to make when you swear, that are more appropriate, but then, they would probably be swear words too. And who knows, maybe in a few hundred years, all our swear words will be different, and I can skip around all day telling people they are going to hell (it's okay here, because I'm talking about the actual place. Really, I swear. Sort of.) and no one will blink an eye. But until that day, I think I will just keep it to myself, to be on the safe side. No one wants to make angels cry, you know. That's what rain is, and I hate the rain.
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Beginning of a Dirty Hippie Journey
I mean. . . .ahem. . . . .
Actually, I do believe a lot of stuff that gets passed around about how bad the food we eat is, how bad the water we drink is, how bad western medicine can be for you. At this point, (note: I reserve the right to a Woman's Prerogative, that is, to change my mind at any time) I think that most of the food we eat that is laced with man-made chemicals because it's cheaper to make that way, are also addicting. I think that the companies that make those products really don't want us to eat healthy. If we did, they'd all be out of business. They are banking on the fact that we are all really lazy, and hate to cook. It's the American Way. Why should mom bake an apple pie when you can just buy a frozen one to thaw and reheat before the big baseball game?
A lot of people I know don't want to eat "right" because it tastes so different. I was bound and determined to never, ever eat wheat bread, because as a kid, The Mom always bought nasty, cheap wheat bread. No one would want to eat wheat bread after tasting that. Besides, after looking at some of the cheap-o wheat bread labels, it's not any better for you than that pasty glue they sell as white bread. But lo and behold, today I found myself buying Rhodes frozen 100% wheat bread dough. I'm hoping it will taste as good at their white bread. Heaven forbid that I have to make my own bread!
As for the water, well, I drink tap water. I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars a year on drinking bottled water, throwing away those bottles, and contributing to the Texas-sized island of plastic floating somewhere (so I hear), when all I have to do is slap a water filter on my kitchen faucet and change the filter every 6 months. Besides, we really don't know where some of that water comes from. I saw a Penn and Teller show (I can't remember what it's called, but it's on Showtime) that showed that Everest brand drinking water comes from a municipal source. That's tap water folks!
And western medicine? Don't get me started. I have one nagging question though: If it's so much cheaper to put chemicals together to make our food, why is it so darned expensive to put chemicals together to make medicine? And while I realize that there is probably a valid answer to that question, it still annoys me. I really don't think that the pharmaceutical companies have our health in mind when they make medicine. I think all they want is what's in our wallets. Also, I would rather spend $60 dollars on a bottle of pills that come from plants that can grow without any help from us, then $60 dollars on a bottle of pills (and there would probably be fewer of them anyway) that have to be made by man, in a laboratory. Scriptures say that God put everything that we need here. So why are we relying on man-made chemicals to heal us? I understand that these plants have to be processed by us in a certain way so that we can ingest them safely, but we didn't create those plants from scratch. That just bothers me. And I think it's better for us anyway.
So to wrap it all up:
Oh frabjious day! Caloo calay! My course materials are here!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
We've Just Had Our 4th Kid, Mom.
Pictures of the new dog to come when I darn well feel like it.
In other happy news, my books for my correspondence course are coming tomorrow. Wait, what correspondence course is this, you ask? I haven't told you? My, I thought I told everyone important. You know how important to me you are, right? Well, I'm taking correspondence courses to (eventually) get my degree as a Master Herbalist. I get my books tomorrow, and my class starts Monday. I'm so freaking excited! I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight. I was getting a little worried about not having my course materials yet, but the e-mail fairy blessed me with an e-mail from UPS saying that my package from the college had been shipped and should be here tomorrow and here's your tracking number just so that you know how many freaking UPS centers it went through before it got to you. Yay! So you can all come to me (in 2 years) to get tinctures, ointments, and pills for all your aches and pains. Phooey on western medicine!
And some shout outs to The Payson Friends, the wife just had their second boy last week. I'm sure he's a cutie! I wouldn't know, as I was called in to work tonight, the night we were going to meet the little bundle of drool.
And of course, a happy birthday to The Little Brother, who is now a quarter of century old. And getting married in August! You're still sixteen and shorter than me in my world! Get back to class!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Yay for stealing!
A - Attached or single: attached
B - Best Friend(s): The Man, The Best Friend
C - Cake or Pie: What a choice! I usually eat cake. Less messy
D - Day of Choice: Saturdays, if I don't have to work
E - Essential Item: Computer
F - Favorite Color(s): Purple
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Worms, I don't eat them as fast, and therefore don't get a tummy ache.
H - Hometown: Great Falls, MT
I - Indulgence(s): Being online for hours at a time
J - January or July: July. Hello! It's warm!
K - Kids: None, except for The Man, Dog 1 and Dog 2, and Cat 1 and Cat 2.
L - Life is incomplete without: The Man
M - Marriage Date: June 25th, 2003
N - Number of Siblings: 2
O - Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: The dark, freezing to death, and heights
Q - Quote(s): "It's a good thing life is free, because you could never charge for this crap" (or something similar)
R - Reason to Smile: The Man
S - Season: Spring/Summer
T - Tag Eight: Ha! Yeah right.
U - Unknown Fact About Me: Ummm. . . .I always want to be sitting in front of a running heater, even when it's 100 degrees outside and 90 degrees inside.
V - Vegetarian or ...not?: Mostly Vegetarian.
W - Worst Habit: Not eating
Y - Your Favorite Food: Good tacos.
Z - Zodiac: Gemini. I was more of one when I was a teenager though.