Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Always Forget to Put In A Freaking Title!

Wow, my life got crazy, and quick. I now have to get up in the morning, because I have my online class to take. And because of this class, I have also decided to get my rear in gear and try to keep a regular house-cleaning schedule too. With my home being a split-level, I can split it up into three different sections pretty easily without having to clean more than two rooms at a time. It's pretty nice. I'm also playing with the idea of getting up and doing one of my many exercise videos everyday. That's on top of the mile long walk that I take at least one, if not both, of The Dogs on when it's not raining out. Then, at least three days out of the week, I also work for 7 hours. So that's a lot of stuff! GAH!!! We'll see how long this lasts before I break down and go back to my lazy ways of sitting in front of the computer all day and all night. Who needs sleep? Not me! Who needs food? Not me! Who needs to use the bathroom? Not. . . .well, okay, sometimes I just can't hold it anymore.

But, back to the subject of my class: I LOVE IT!!!! This first part is a cake-walk, but that's okay, because I'm learning all sorts of nifty keen stuff. Today's lesson was on raw foodism, and what it's all about, and why it could be beneficial. And while I'm not going to turn into a rabbit, it has some valid points. So many nutrients and enzymes and good for you stuff gets destroyed when you cook foods, especially if you boil them. Though I thought it funny that you actually get more good from tomatoes if they are processed. Dan Quayle was right, ketchup should be part of the food groups. Though not vegetables. Because tomatoes are not a vegetable. They are fruit. A fruit, dang it! I know I'm right because I'm in school.
I also learned that the action of chewing can relieve stress, and that's a big reason we eat when we are stressed. Oh, and blueberries are better for you if they are cooked. Too bad blueberries are of the devil. And at work, I learned that Kombucha smells and tastes like beer. YUM! Okay, not really. The grape flavored one even burns like alcohol does, but the Multi-Green doesn't. Yay for mushroom juice! I guess it's supposed to be really good for you. I know that The San Horhey Friend used to make this tea juice ickiness that's supposed to be good for you that The Man really liked. I wonder if it's the same?

And now for total randomness: What's with swearing? Is it bad, good, mediocre, slightly burnt but still okay? I've started swearing more, and I'm not sure what I think about it. I try not to, at least not casually, but when you keep slamming your finger in doors and cabinets, and your teenager of a dog keeps jumping on you because it thinks it's a Chihuahua and not a German Shepard, it's hard not to. But I would still prefer to not hear it, though. But are they just words, that really have no meaning except what we give them, and if we would just stop thinking of them as bad words, they no longer would be, or are they really bad words and it makes the devil laugh and the angels cry if we say them? I'm slightly confused about it all. The Man swears when he's stressed, especially if he's playing a video game that was only produced to piss you off, and when he's around certain friends. Some of our friends swear pretty regularly, and others don't at all. And me, like I said, I pretty much try to keep it to when it's appropriate. I really don't think that it's right to swear just to get a rise out of people. But saying certain words when you are really upset, shocked, or hurt, seems to release something, some kind of energy. Except when I'm angry. Then I just get more angry when I swear. Maybe it's because I'm calling an actual, living, usually breathing, human a word that I find really insulting. I wish there were other words to get across the point you want to make when you swear, that are more appropriate, but then, they would probably be swear words too. And who knows, maybe in a few hundred years, all our swear words will be different, and I can skip around all day telling people they are going to hell (it's okay here, because I'm talking about the actual place. Really, I swear. Sort of.) and no one will blink an eye. But until that day, I think I will just keep it to myself, to be on the safe side. No one wants to make angels cry, you know. That's what rain is, and I hate the rain.


  1. Words are words. They are what you decide they are. I mean, in some languages, the word itself doesn't carry the meaning, it's the way you say it. It can mean anything from phooey to f*** by your tone. And really shouldn't it be the intent behind the word that gives it the ability to make angels weep? I mean God supposedly looks on the heart, right? So, if you honestly do want them to go to hell, maybe that's the "sin." In any case, if that's the worst your doing, I think you'll be O.K.

  2. Hmmmm. . . .that something to think about, the true intent behind the words. I may have to continue this post.


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.