Monday, June 9, 2008

Dust in the Blink of An Eye

Well, I suppose I should write something about my birthday. Yep, that's right, I'm now 27 years old. *sigh*

I certainly don't feel 27. I'm now older than some of the women "interviewed" for sex stories in Cosmo magazine. I'm closer to 30 than ever. And 30 is old. I don't feel like I should be 27 years old. I feel like I'm still around 22 or so. I'm almost an adult!!! As a kid, I thought 27 was ancient (and really, who didn't?) and that I would never be that big, old, or wise. But here I am. And I'm still not that big, or wise, though I most certainly am that old. And no kids! In church yesterday, the Primary chorister revealed that she's 26, and she already as 2 kids, one of which is 4 years old and in my Sunbeams class. She doesn't seem 26, she seems much older to me. Much more mature. I don't know if that has anything to do with the fact that she has children and I don't, but still. I felt ancient and immature at the same time. It was very weird.
I never ever thought I would be 27 and not have kids. I figured I would be almost done by now. But then, I also planned on being married by 20. I certainly didn't want to be 22 when I got married, but at least I was engaged before I turned 22. I'm not even pregnant, and there's no hope of that changing anytime soon. BAH!!!

But the actual day was fun. The Man tried to arrange another surprise party for me, and this after I specifically told him not to, but it didn't work out. The Dog Friends came though, around noon I think, and stayed until 2 AM. It was loads of fun. I love talking to them. I don't think we stopped talking the whole time. And The Parents and The In-Laws both called as well, and The Best Friend took me out to lunch, and I guess The Little Brother called the day before, but I was at work, where I got a birthday card signed by a bunch of my co-workers. That was awesome too. Yes, I still love my job. Besides the card, they will reimburse me up to 30 bucks for my birthday dinner, if I go out for one. Which I did. To Tucannos. Pricey, but ooooohhhhhh soooooo gooooood. I'm drooling just thinking about it. Oh, and The Man gave me Scrubs 3rd season on DVD for my gift. Yay! I won't tell you about the card. Let's just say it was clever. And Heavenly Father gave me the gift of FINALLY RELEASING ME FROM PRIMARY!!!!!!

Now let's all cross our fingers and hope that this year will see me getting fatter for a good reason, rather than because I like doughnuts too much.


  1. Aww, you just say that because you know I read this. :P

    And holy trippy background, Batman!

    (Which makes it much more humorous to me that my word verification for this comment happens to be "hyppy")


  2. Sorry Me and Shelby didn't come we bought a Van. but thats another story. Happy B day

  3. Happy Birthday chica!! 27 feels old, whether you have kids or not. Having kids just makes you realize HOW old you really are. blah. I'm glad you had a good b-day!!

  4. Apparently, you are entirely comfortable with labels. Whether for the safety of individuals close to you, or to appear to be witty, edgy, cute or some such nonsense. I wonder which "The" you'll address me as. Probably "The Berk" if I know you at all. Cheers!

  5. Me, writing witty, edgy, cute, nonsense? Nah, I do that to keep my friends and families names off my blog. I don't even post my own name, why would I post theirs? I'm no good at coming up with fake ones, so I just describe them. I'd do the same for you, if I could figure out if I even know you or not.


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.