Today is my honey's birthday, and even though he won't read this soon, if ever, I thought I would tell the world why MY honey is the best honey around.
He never tells me that I can't do something, even if it is something utterly ridiculous, like taking harp lessons.
He says that he wants to die at the same time as me, or within a few minutes so that we don't have to spend any time apart.
He SAYS that tickling and poking me means he loves me, though the jury's out on that one.
He can draw really well, and draws pictures for me (not this picture. I found this somewhere online, but it shows our personalities pretty well, I think).
He's super romantic and always remembers that I LOVE to get flowers and chocolates on Valentines Day. He got me a 3 pound box once. Oh wait, that was Christmas. But still. . . .
He says I look better without makeup.
He says that I look better now than on the day we were married (when I was still a size 5) because now I have boobs and hips.
He is a very, very good listener, and also has very, very good advise when I need it (whether I want it or not).
He's HOT!!!!
He has the most beautiful eyes, that can be blue, green, gray, or a combination, and I never know what I'm going to see when I look in them.
He gets the most ecstatic look on his face when I make some food that he really really likes (like sugared pecans).
He always offers to help cook dinner.
If he's ever gotten mad or frustrated at me, he's never shown it.
He refuses to argue with me. We disagree, but he will not argue about it.
He is the funniest person I know.
He has the most expressive face.
He talks with his whole body, sometimes, when he's really excited or happy about something.
He likes to watch cartoons with me.
He will make the best father because he is so understanding and patient, which I am not.
He is temple-worthy.
He worthily bears the priesthood, but knows that we are equals as head of the household.
He does the laundry for me, because I hate to do it.
He will help me clean the house before people come to visit.
He's HOT!!!!
He's. . . . .ummm. . . . .adventurous.
He has his priorities straight, knows what he wants out of life, and is striving for it.
He is happy with himself as he is, for the most part.
He's wicked sarcastic, and has a weird sense of humor.
He likes to make up nicknames for me.
He is willing and able to do a job that most people can't even imagine doing, everyday.
I can't threaten him with anything, because he knows that it will never happen.
He cuddles with me when I need it most.
He's smart.
I learn something new everyday about him. And from him.
He's given me reason to strive to be better than I am.
We haven't spent a night apart since we've been married, and he gets sad if he even thinks about having to do that. Even though he claims I steal the blankets.
Oh, and did I mention, HE'S HOT!!!!!!
So there you go, that's a small portion of the man I married. To know all of him, you'd have be around him more than even I have been. He's complex and deep, like one of those underground rivers. I love every piece of him, and I will forever. Happy Birthday, honey!
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I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.