Monday, March 23, 2009

More random ranting

To all my loyal fans: sorry I haven't posted in so long. It's hard to find things to post about when your life is boring, except random things. So this will probably be another random post. Again, forgive me in advance, and keep right on reading:

First and foremost, I CAN NOT STAND people who have codependent relationships with their significant others. I'm fine with the kissy cuddly ones. The ones that irk me are the ones that act like their lives will fall apart if they spend one second away from the other person. The ones that have absolutely no life outside of their relationship. I especially can't stand the ones that can't make a decision, no matter how small, with out the others input. Rant end.

Oh, and I can't stand it when a wife or husband has issues with their partner hugging someone of the opposite sex. Unless you have reason to believe that you spouse will step out on you just because they've hugged someone, then I don't think people should be so uptight about it. It's such a possessive attitude. It's just a hug people!

I'm pissed at work. I've worked there for a year, over a year. I have never received any sort of recognition for the work I do. Oh, I've gotten private kudos, when I've asked for evaluations of my work. But I would like some sort of public kudos, especially since I run freight for at least half of every day of the week. But then, I don't think the freight manager has gotten any kudos either. That's the problem with working behind the scenes. No one notices what you do until you mess up and the whole system is screwed up. I'd work harder, but I'm not sure I can. That sucks.

I also hate being busy. I hate looking at my calender and seeing it filled with meetings and obligations. I love it when the scheduling is for friends, but hate responsibilities, especially since most of the ones that are on there are ones that I felt pressured into, not ones that I actually want to do. And so my life turns into something that can hardly be controlled. And I don't even have kids yet! We are going to turn into social hermits someday, just like The In-Laws. I think they have it right. They never do anything that they don't want to do, and get to stay home and relax all the time. That's the life.

Oh, The Little Brother is coming to visit next week! I'm so excited! He said that he's going to vacuum my furniture, too, so that he doesn't get hair all over his clothes. Sweet! Now I don't have to do it! Everyone come to my house to see it clean, before the hair settles on everything again. You'll probably have a 5 minute window, 10 if I leave the dogs outside.

And we get to fly to Massachusetts in June, treat of The In-Laws. They are so awesome, and I can't wait for June now. We haven't seen them since The Brother-In-Laws wedding. Too long!



  1. Yay! You can be social hermits like us!

  2. "Keep it clean, guys!" Better try to do what you want the rest of us to do. Or you will come off as a hypocrit. (See title and ending.)
    But Mitt has got it right on. What a good example for us all to try to follow.

  3. Apparently, what I consider clean, and what you consider clean are two different things. Try to remember that people actually have their OWN definitions of what something THEY said means.

  4. And it's spelled "hypocrite." ...I had to. I can't help it.
    Yay for the random ranting! We're social hermits, too, a lot of the time.
    Also, randomly, I wish I had pants like your avatar's pants! They're cool.

  5. Hypocrisy is one of the many essences of being human. Sort of like that one moment that occurs at least once in everyone's life: The Sneeze Of Epic Proportion That Ambushes You At A Public Event Before You're Ready. Hilarity!


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.