Monday, November 16, 2009

2012 Is Coming! Doom To All Mankind!

And this, folks, just about perfectly describes how I feel about the year 2012.

(I hope you can read it, I made it as big as I knew how. Maybe if you click on it. . . .)


  1. Your blog made me think (hope your not sensitive to smoke).
    It's so funny when people are like
    "the world will end in 2018," or something like that. Like something weird or horrible will happen just once, and doom all of humanity. When, like, everyday we are doing things that kill and damage the irreplaceable. I sure hope no one is surprised when all of humanity is doomed.It's been a long time come'n.
    How's the cheese over there in Utah?
    Love mandie


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.