Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Post of Controversy #4

Suck it, homophobes!

P.S.  The Man is angrily jealous of their super awesome hair.  "Punch them in their nice hair!"


  1. My father is gay. He decided to join the church and live a heterosexual lifestyle because the gay lifestyle represented a lot of pain and self medication. He still has those attractions but has given up being "true" (gay term) to the sexual side of himself so he can have fulfillment in many other arias in his life. He has a wife that loves him and he loves her, 6 children, step children, 14 grandchildren and cries every time he gets to witness another blessing in his life because of the choice he has made. I have a sister in law that is in a lesbian relationship, she is self medicating with alcohol everyday multiple times a day. Her children are put in their rooms at an early time of night so that she can down her soul with all her friends all night. I have had multiple relatives live this lifestyle. Their lives are empty and they die empty at an early age because of the lifestyles. If I am a homophobic person because I would not want a person to experiment in this lifestyle to the point of being chained down to the point of feeling hell on earth, so be it. I am so grateful to my father for not using his children as an experiment to see how we do with homosexual partners as parents. I think it is interesting that people always say they should have a right to choose, but that choice is lost when it come down to the kids. Sad. If you would like to see some amazing people that have found something more then sex, look up Voices of Hope.

  2. Don't mind all the mistakes in my story. I had kids climbing all over me and a house full of people talking to me. I have two siblings getting married this week and it is a zoo!

  3. Before I begin, I just want to say that I feel very strongly about this topic, so my opinion, or the way I state it, may come off as harsh, or as if I am attacking you personally. I am not, and I hope that you don't feel that way. If you do, I'm sorry for that because I think you're pretty awesome, even though we never hang out.

    A homophobic person is someone who hates gays only because they are gay. Since you have a relationship with your dad, and I'm assuming one with your sister-in-law, you aren't a homophobe, unless you hate them and are good at hiding it. If your dad has found peace and happiness with his choices, that's great! If your sister-in-law has not, that's not great, and she should be looking for help somewhere other than in a bottle. But choosing to live a heterosexual lifestyle when you are attracted to the same sex as yourself is not a one-size-fits-all "solution", especially since homosexuality is not a problem. Being in a homosexual relationship, on it's own, does not hurt any one, not even kids. You can look up plenty of examples of children raised by homosexual couples who are well adjusted and happy, just like their parents. Here is a good example of one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMLZO-sObzQ

    If someone is seriously unhappy with their lives, whether gay or straight, they are going to hurt any children they may have. Your sister-in-law, and everyone else you know who you may think is miserable and empty only because they are gay, may actually have other issues you aren't privy to that are making them miserable and empty. Maybe their family judges them harshly for it or has disowned them over it, or maybe they have a mental illness like clinical depression or bipolar disorder, maybe they were abused or assaulted in some way. Then again, if they are/were raised in a conservative religion, like Mormonism, being gay may be the biggest factor in their unhappiness, since they've been told their whole lives that their sexual feelings are a sin that is close murder, and if they have those feelings, they are not worthy of blessings. And since blessings are God's way of showing people he loves them, what does that tell them? That they are not worthy of God's love.

    To be continued.....(stupid Blogger character limit)

  4. Aside from all this, my whole point in the post is that making/keeping homosexual marriages illegal is wrong, because the only true reason people have for not wanting it to be legal is "because God said so." That's what I have found it boils down to, anyway, after all the debate and discussion. Not a good reason for two people who are committed to each other to not have their relationship recognized by a government that is not supposed to be run by ANY religion, no matter how awesome, correct, or true you or someone else may think it is. How would you feel if the Jews decided they were going to try to make it illegal for everyone to not eat pork or shellfish, or mix meat and milk (so no more cheeseburgers), even though you are not Jewish? Separation of church and state and all that. And the argument that if it's made legal that the government will then try to make churches marry gays is a fallacy. People used the exact same argument against making marriages between those of different races, especially between a white and black person, legal. Yet the government has never, ever, ever told a church that they have to marry a mixed-race couple even though it goes against their beliefs. They can't. Again, separation of church and state.

    Also, being gay is not all about sex and nothing else, because that's false. If that were the case, then there would not be homosexual couples who have been together for longer than most straight couples, of which there are plenty. And if that's one of your reasons for not wanting gay marriage to be legal, than you should be against straight couples getting married just for the sex, too. Because that happens frequently in communities and religions that forbid sex before marriage, especially when they use threats of eternal punishment to prevent it.

    If you made it this far without rage-quitting my blog, thanks! I didn't notice any mistakes in your post. Thanks for voicing your opinion, and I appreciate that you were able to be nice about your disagreements with my post. I hope I was able to do the same with you. Congratulations to both your siblings!


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.