So today I learned that people tried to use religious freedom to discriminate against different races in their places of business before the Civil Rights Movement, a la the thankfully vetoed bill recently brought to the table in Arizona proposing that those who don't agree with homosexual marriage should be allowed to also refuse to do business with them. They were shot down too, as should any bill trying to "protect" peoples supposed right to discriminate against people they don't happen to like. Discriminating against homosexuals is no different than discriminating against people of different races and cultures. It really isn't. They are people who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of anything else. You know, the golden rule and all that. You don't really need me to repeat that do you?

In case you needed reminding.
When "Religious Liberty" Was Used To Justify Racism Instead of Homophobia
Seriously! I feel like the world has gone crazy. It is really sad that this is still happening. Everyone should have the right to vote (something states in my area have been making weird laws about). Everyone should be treated equally by a business. No one should be ostracized for being who they are. The dominant religion in a country should not get to pretend they are being persecuted because they have to deal with someone different than them. It should really be a simple concept, but I guess it's not. :/
ReplyDeleteI know! Thus the golden rule reminder. Jesus said it, so why aren't people claiming to follow him living it? Sheesh.