Saturday, October 25, 2008

Unofficial Officialness

Just a quick update for all those out there who care. I have a new position at work, as the Unofficial Freight Crew Assistant. There is some big convoluted reason for why it's not official, and never will be, but I don't understand it. But I did get a bit of a pay raise, and while my hourly wage is still teeny tiny, it's more than I've ever been paid before. Sad, when it's only $7.75 an hour. But I'll be working about 10 hours more a week, Monday-Friday. We'll see how that works out. Maybe now, we won't be losing money just by buying our groceries every week.

And you lucky ducks will get to hear about how tired I am. My Halloween resolution is to post more. Just tell me what to write about.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Dog 1 is home, safe and sound. Her paws are all torn up and her nails are down to the quick from running all day on hot cement and asphalt. But she will be okay. She drank about a gallon of water when she got home, and wolfed some food, and is now flopped out on whatever flat surface she finds. Also, if you feel so inclined, instead of gifts for Christmas this year, we would prefer donations to our "Get a Fence the Stupid Dogs Can't Jump" fund. You are under no obligation to do this, or even get us gifts at all though you know you want to. . . . but we thought we would ask. Thank you.


Dog 1 has gone missing. Prayers, please.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dirty Little Secrets

So I was tagged by two people, The Salt Lake Friends and The Florida Friends. Since it is the same thing, I'll just poop it out in one giant brain strain.

I am supposed to tell about 6 quirks I have. This will taking some thinking. *sigh* I just got off work! I don't want to think. . . .

1. I love to color things. I can't draw at all, but give me a picture and lots of cool colors and I am perfectly happy coloring it in. I used to do this a lot more, but not so much now. I don't like to color in simple pictures to often, I like the really complicated pictures. I can make the world so much prettier in a picture than it is in real life.

2. I will use an electric heater year round. I have one under my computer desk that I will turn on to keep my feet warm. I do this even if it's 102 outside and 90 inside. In the winter, I will take the heater with me, and make sure it's blowing directly on me as much as possible. I've been doing this since I was a kid. It's like wrapping up in a really big comforter.

3. I like to pick at peeling things, especially paint. I have to look at other things that aren't peeling if I need to keep my hands off of it. I have even gotten down on the floor of my work and peeled the sealant off (it comes off in big sheets because it needs to be redone). It drives me crazy!

4. If you have a bunch of small things that need to be organized into a certain space, I will happily immerse myself in it for hours. I come up with all sorts of convoluted systems to make something fit. But put me in a big room or house and tell me to organize it, and I will just organize the books. I can't stand big organization projects.

5. Speaking of books, I have to have books, even if I never read them. A room doesn't feel finished to me if there isn't at least one bookshelf full of books there. The bigger the area, the more books it needs. My goal now is to have at least one book shelf of books in every room that we frequent in our house. I just need to get more books, and probably a few more shelves too. And I'll keep any book given to me, even if I know I'll never read it. I love, love, love books.

6. I cover my mouth with my hand when I'm reading a book or reading something on the computer. Fingers under my nose, maybe off to the right a little, and my chin on my palm. I don't even realize I'm doing it. I don't want to do it because I'm worried it will cause my chin and cheeks to break out, but it hasn't happened yet.

So now I tag. . . .well, all the people I know who blog and would be willing to do this have already done it, except The Geologist Friend. You know who you are; tag, your it!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who missed me?

I had some thoughts on race and racism, but you know what? It doesn't matter. My thoughts, views, and opinions won't change anyone's mind, it will just make them mad. Racism sucks, especially when you are the target of it. Boy, I sure love living here.

Sorry for the lack of posting. Our brand new computer has decided to not work for the last three weeks. We had The Payson Friend look at it, and he tried to fix it. Every time his magic fingers touched something, it worked fine. But as soon as we got it home, well, our computer hard drive is the devil's spawn. So, I'm borrowing a computer from a friend who isn't using it. I am so glad to have it, because reading my class lectures are pretty important. But I wish I had my computer back. There's all sorts of stuff that I need to do, but can't without it. Stupid spawn of Satan.

The Mom is coming for a semi-surprise visit tomorrow. I'm trying to not expect anything of her. Maybe that way I won't stress about what she MIGHT do, and freak out when she doesn't/does do it. I just want to have a good time while she's here. She's leaving Monday, I think, so it's only for a bit. But now I will have to definitely watch conference on Saturday, which I usually don't. Oh well, maybe I'll learn something.

Oh, and I still love my job. I am working freight now, which means I actually have to get up in the morning, but 7:30 in the morning is so much better than 6:30. I've managed it before, I should be able to do it again. The position is a bit more flexible, too. As soon as freight is put away, I can go. Yesterday, it was done by 1. I stayed, because I wanted to make sure I wasn't needed, but it's nice to know that I can leave if something unexpected comes up. And it's nice having dinner with The Man (when we have food). The manager hopes to make me freight assistant, which means 11-5, Monday-Friday. We'll see how much I like that. I enjoy having lots of time off. Gives me time to pretend that I'm going to clean the house. Speaking of which, I have lots of that to do tomorrow before 3. Yay.