Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who missed me?

I had some thoughts on race and racism, but you know what? It doesn't matter. My thoughts, views, and opinions won't change anyone's mind, it will just make them mad. Racism sucks, especially when you are the target of it. Boy, I sure love living here.

Sorry for the lack of posting. Our brand new computer has decided to not work for the last three weeks. We had The Payson Friend look at it, and he tried to fix it. Every time his magic fingers touched something, it worked fine. But as soon as we got it home, well, our computer hard drive is the devil's spawn. So, I'm borrowing a computer from a friend who isn't using it. I am so glad to have it, because reading my class lectures are pretty important. But I wish I had my computer back. There's all sorts of stuff that I need to do, but can't without it. Stupid spawn of Satan.

The Mom is coming for a semi-surprise visit tomorrow. I'm trying to not expect anything of her. Maybe that way I won't stress about what she MIGHT do, and freak out when she doesn't/does do it. I just want to have a good time while she's here. She's leaving Monday, I think, so it's only for a bit. But now I will have to definitely watch conference on Saturday, which I usually don't. Oh well, maybe I'll learn something.

Oh, and I still love my job. I am working freight now, which means I actually have to get up in the morning, but 7:30 in the morning is so much better than 6:30. I've managed it before, I should be able to do it again. The position is a bit more flexible, too. As soon as freight is put away, I can go. Yesterday, it was done by 1. I stayed, because I wanted to make sure I wasn't needed, but it's nice to know that I can leave if something unexpected comes up. And it's nice having dinner with The Man (when we have food). The manager hopes to make me freight assistant, which means 11-5, Monday-Friday. We'll see how much I like that. I enjoy having lots of time off. Gives me time to pretend that I'm going to clean the house. Speaking of which, I have lots of that to do tomorrow before 3. Yay.


  1. So now I can call you and talk to you?!

  2. I'm glad work is going better and that your spawn of Satan is getting fixed. I hope your parents' visit goes well. Try not to let her get to you. I know it's hard. Don't give her the power to hurt you. You can do it! :) If you need someone to vent to, give me a call. (I've done it to you plenty.)
    Oh - and cute avatar!

  3. Lousy white-bread, cracker, honky, jive-turkey!


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.