Okay, before I read this article, I was leaning towards thinking that vaccines could have a link to autism. Now, even if I did believe they did, I still would (and will) vaccinate my kids, because I would rather have an autistic LIVING child, than one that dies from measles, polio, smallpox, or what have you. They aren't entirely eradicated people.
But I changed my mind when I read this article. Apparently the doctor who started the whole mess with his report faked the whole thing. Well, his results at least. And that makes me sad. Why would a man want to fake results to something like this? Not vaccinating can be deadly, autism, while sad, is not. Not vaccinating could cause epidemics of terrible diseases, autism isn't contagious. So why, WHY would people not want to vaccinate their children? You're not the only one not vaccinating (because you are preaching it to everyone else), so what do you think would happen if it all stopped? That those diseases would stay at the level they are at now? No, silly. They would explode. Everyone would get sick who hadn't been vaccinated, because they would have no immunity to it. A lot of people would die. And while your child may not be autistic, they might be dead, or severely deformed or in major, major pain for the rest of their life (Edit that. My great aunt was in pain from bad arthritis, not polio, though I do remember the braces on her legs. I must have equated the braces with the pain. They certainly looked painful).
I think I will vote for a healthy, happy child, myself.
Oh, here's the first article that led me to the second article that changed my mind.
(yes, I know it's a humor website, but I think this guy really did his research. Bear with me and read it. Besides, it makes fun of Jenny McCarthy, and who doesn't want to read that?)
I agree. These diseases are very alive, especially in third world countries. The link between autism and vaccines does not have sufficient evidence at all and testing for such would be very difficult. Autism needs much more research, it is not understood yet. In any case, I've found that the decision to refrain from vaccinations stems from uninformed, unsubstantiated fears.