Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yes, I'm Pissed Off

Apparently there are people out there who can't STAND the fact that I might watch a video online, think they might enjoy it, and then send it to them. See, we can't have that, not at all. Why would I want to do something nice like that for them? Cause I sure don't know why. If you don't want to watch it, then don't. You don't need to tell me that.


  1. You mean the oxygen clip? *shrug* I thought it was cute and pretty accurate about how oxygen interacts with other elements. If someone had a problem with it, oh well. They can just delete the email and go on with business, not give you crap about it.

  2. If you bombarded their e-mail every 10 minutes of every day with links, then MAYBE I could see someone flipping out about it. Otherwise, it's as simple as pressing delete.

    (For the record I enjoy when you send me stuff! <3)

    For some reason that Oxygen link didn't work for me. Well, the link worked but it didn't play the vid. I'll have to try it when I'm at my home computer.

  3. Psssh, well I feel pissed on because you never even sent this much debated "oxygen clip" to me.... but, for the record, I probably would have just complained about being sent some stupid video anyway ☺

  4. But ashes, I did. I must have sent it to the wrong one. Which e-mail do you use anyway? And I'll send it again, just cause you're a very special spirit.


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.