That's his.^
That's mine.^ (Okay, not really, but it's pretty close.)
So yes, I'm feeling a bit burnt out. I have so many projects that I'm supposed to be doing right now. I'm STILL not done with "Christmas" gifts. I was seriously over ambitious on how quickly I could get those suckers done. And I have 2 quilts that need to be finished, one of them being The Man's gift. And I have a kitchen to finish de-wallpapering, and now, I have baby stuff I'm supposed to be thinking about. We'll probably be buying all the needed stuff 2 weeks after the baby is born. That's how we roll in our house. So, I'm burnt out. I have no motivation to do any of this, even BEFORE the nausea (which I think is easing up, but I'm trying not to jinx it, so pretend I didn't say that) hit me like a ton of galloping hippos in my stomach. AND now I have to study for a test at work, and school started up again and it's a class that moves fast and has a ton of studying at the same time. How I loathe those kinds of classes. Plus I have to work. Shut up, 2 days a week is a lot for lazy me.
I locked my keys in the car last Saturday. The same day I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day at work for something I would totally love to spill all over the Internet, but it's really not a good idea to do because of lawsuits and all that fun stuff. I so want to quit. I finally got my keys out yesterday, because we were trying to have to not pay a locksmith, but no luck. Automatic locks are not wire hanger friendly. Though I did get lucky and find a good locksmith who didn't charge me my arm to unlock my car. Oh, and the check engine light is on. Yippee.
I can see a bump. The Man thinks I am imagining things. But when you spend 15+ minutes a day naked in front of a mirror trying to see something, you're definitely going to be seeing it before anyone else. I swear the little dip above it isn't just how my fat likes to roll. It wasn't there before!
Oh yeah, my zipper broke on my pants at work. Thank goodness for aprons.
The door to our breaker box has been open for almost a year. I'm not sure why. It's starting to bug me, but I have to move our monster computer screen to get it to shut. That's probably why it's still open.
I was at a loss on how to decorate our baby's room until reading some Calvin and Hobbes comics recently. I'm not a fan of cutesy stuff, or the anthropology look. It works so well for others, and it always looks so good, but I just don't want it in my house. I actually love stuff from the 60's and early 70's, but The Man thinks most of that looks like throw up, so that's out too. But I announced yesterday that The Man should totally draw cartoons on the walls, which I would then paint. Nothing fancy, I'll just be using those paints you get at craft stores. Because we are cheap. And poor. But I'm quite proud for finally coming up with something to do in there that we will probably both like. Though I'm not sure if it will just be a hodge podge of different stuff, or if we will try to go for some kind of theme or story. All I know is that it is going to be awesome. If I actually get around to painting it. Our kid just may grow up in a bedroom with penciled in cartoons on the wall.
I've started going back to the library. I have discovered that if I don't get on the computer as soon as I get home, and stay off after The Man goes to sleep, I get to bed hours earlier than I did before. I like to force myself to stay awake well past my sleepy time. But I had nothing to do instead, so I started going to the library and checking books out and ACTUALLY READING THEM. Weird, I know. I'm on late tonight for 2 reasons. 1) school and 2) I ran out of reading material days ago, but I couldn't go to the library because I had no car (yes I'm close enough to walk. No, I'm to lazy to do it. I already said I was lazy!). Reading blogs counts as reading, right?
I don't get peoples fascination with Lost. I am glad this is the last season. Survivor should be the next to go. Along with all the other "reality" TV shows.
Maybe I should go to bed now.
Lady I would come help you paint.. I love stuff like that.. Wish I lived a bit closer I miss you guys so much..
ReplyDeleteMy mom did a mural on my little sisters' walls. It had trees, a little fairy corner, nature stuff, from what I remember. It was really cute. Then we moved. :)
ReplyDeleteI say the bump is real. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm all for very simplistic decorating. I'm sure you and The Man can come up with a compromise.
I'm not a great painter, but if you need some help making a mess, I'll be there, just let me know when.
How far along are you now?
Sit N Chat is at my house tonight, come!
Oh, and don't bad mouth LOST and compare it with *blech* Survivor. :) I love LOST, but I am too very happy that this is the last season. Seasons 1-3 were the best...the last 2.5 I just keep watching...hoping for answers...:)
ReplyDeleteWhat do you like to read? I have read some AWESOME books lately. I'd love to recommend them if you are good, exciting easy reads.
Jamie, I'm 12 weeks/3 months now. I still think the bump is there, The Man doesn't. I want to come to sit and chat, but I've been running around all day, and now feel sick. I may come just for the chat part, but a little later, like nine or so. And I will continue to bad mouth LOST. ;) I liked the beginning as well, but I had to stop watching it, and then it got weird, so I couldn't get back into it. I think if they had left it as a survival story like at the beginning, I would have liked it more. But all this alternate reality and time travel stuff and mutant polar bears and what have you was too far fetched for me. There was also too much of it. Here's hoping you get your answers this season. And I'll let you know if/when I need help painting.