Totally not my test. Gross. I'm not going to take a picture of something I peed on. But I can certainly count on the Internet to host multiple pictures from people who do not have the scruples I do. (Would that be scruples, values, morals, or cleanliness?)
I did check the test I took 5 or more times to make sure it didn't change. It was all quite surreal, let me tell you. I always imagined when I did get pregnant, that I would be so excited, so happy.
But noooOOOOOOoooooo.
I freaked.
My first thought was that the test was wrong. I've taken so many tests, and they've never been positive. I didn't even bother to tell The Man that I was taking one this time, I was so certain that I wasn't pregnant. All the tests say that it takes 3 minutes for the test results to show up. Yeah, that's a lie. MAYBE 30 seconds. I was gearing myself up for the let down when THAT showed up. Oh man!
My next thought was how was I going to tell The Man? He would be mad! (I don't know why I thought that, I just did.) I ended up just showing him the test, mostly because he heard me say "Oh my G**" and asked what that noise was. He was a little upset, but only because I hadn't told him that I thought I might be pregnant, and that I didn't tell him I was taking the test. Then he told me to let go of my hands, because they weren't going anywhere.
After some major panicking in the kitchen because I didn't know what to do next, we started calling family. After all the phone time, I eventually calmed down and got busy getting excited.
We planned on keeping this all under wraps for another week, but my all-day-sickness made it pretty impossible to keep telling people I must have the flu or something. So I gave up and gave The Man permission to tell his work, and I posted on Facebook and announced it in Relief Society this morning. So, if I have previously informed you that you can't tell anybody, the cat's out of the bag now, so spread the word.
We are so excited, and so happy. But let me tell you (multiple times. Deal with it it), the nausea alone is enough to make me wish I wasn't pregnant. I was so hoping I'd be one of the lucky ones who didn't get it. I haven't thrown up yet, but I sure wish I would. Nothing helps for very long, so I keep having to try new things. I can't eat much (who wants to eat when they feel like blowing chunks?), which makes the nausea worse, so I eventually choke SOMETHING down, that generally doesn't help at all, unless it's night time. Saltines are gag-inducing (as is the smell now coming from my refrigerator), so don't suggest those. I tried them. I could barely choke them down. I think I got three down in about 10 minutes before I gave up. I'm praying that this only lasts another month, tops.
But, I would go through head-in-the-toilet-unable-to-work nausea, though, if it meant that I get to keep this baby, and that it's healthy.
I just forget that sometimes.
Anyway! Congratulations to us! We can make babies! All that practicing has paid off.
We're so happy for you! We know how excited you've been to become a mom and now it's happening. :) Hopefully you feel less sick soon! ...It's still a little weird and surreal feeling... and COOL. :)
ReplyDeleteI went through the nausea thing with all 4. Just choke down what you can, when you can. Try a little of all the suggestions and see what works when. It's just like kids. It changes just when you figure it out. Congrats again!! :D
ReplyDeleteI understand your pain. After reading this I realized I past that point. Right now I'm just really, really tired. The healthy part is what I'm worried about right now. Here's to healthy babies.