I've been wanting to post something, ANYTHING, but my mind has been a complete blank. Well, a more specific blank than my usual blankness. The zombies would never find me, because I have blank eyes too. It's my survival tactic. (Shut up, The Delicious One! It will TOO work!)
I think we are coming back from the brink of death by pig flu. The Man is doing much better. We are still waiting to see if he turns into a pig at the full moon. How much fun would that be! I've always wanted a pet pig. They are supposed to be smarter than dogs. And pretty clean, too.
I actually did some chores around the house today. For a few minutes. I mostly played Lego Star Wars (woot!). I'm glad that we're feeling better though. You always dream of being able to stay home for a week straight because your sick or something, but damn, it's BORING!!!!! Don't be jealous. Really. The only places we've been for more than a week is the grocery store to pick up sickness stuff and frozen dinners, and that was last Sunday. Oh yeah, and Dell Taco on Friday and Hollywood Video last night. I swear, absolutely no where. And video games get really old really quick. See, when you're home because you're sick, you have no energy to do anything else, so you sit around and stare at things, until you manage to feel better enough to pick up a video game controller. I finally beat Lego Indiana Jones, because I had nothing better to do with my time. I didn't even have the energy to go to the library and get books (not that they would have wanted me there). Maybe tomorrow. If I don't go to work. Which I'm sure I will. They've missed me, I just know it. Someone has to the keep The Boss Man in line. I'm sure he's completely out of control.
So yeah,
I'm Back!!!!