The Delicious One from work (you know who you are) told me today that when she reads my blog, she feels so sad for me, and sad that she can't do more to cheer me up. Well, let me tell you, The Delicious One and all the rest of The Work Friends (you will get labels later, when I'm not so tired and lazy), you do help. I never laugh so hard anywhere as I do at work. You guys get me out of my self-absorbed over analytical mess for a couple of hours when I'm there, and get me to enjoy a little bit of my day. Even though work stresses me out so very much right now because of lack of control over certain things that I want control over (Death to the freight manager! Mutiny! MUTINY!), I still enjoy 90% of it. I feel so special when so many people at least ACT like they are happy to see me. You don't try to fix my problems, you just hang around and talk to me, as if you actually LIKE me the way I am! Imagine that!
The hugs are good too. I like hugs. And the butt slapping. And all the things we do that could so be sexual harassment if you guys weren't so damned awesome. So, don't feel bad, don't feel like there's nothing you can do, because you already are, just by wanting to be my friend. By not caring how self absorbed I am, or if I'm a good little Mormon or not, or if I'm hypocritical, or selfish, or don't have kids yet, or whatever. Work is one place that I don't feel judged by anyone, ever. And work is one place that I know if someone did, I could sic all of you on the person doing it. Like I said, you're all damned awesome, and that's the best kind of awesome you can be.
If you feel you must do something, just hug me (The Delicious One, you don't have to. Just make some dirty joke, you hug Nazi). And don't get all weird if I start to cry (it happens often these days).
And if you tell anyone that I got sappy, I will make you work with the freight manager. And you know I'll do it. Love ya! Mwah!
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I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.