Apparently this is because she actually looks like a woman, instead of a 12 year old boy.
Her name is Crystal Renn, and I guess she's making some big splash in the modeling circles because she keeps getting spreads in big name magazines like Vogue and Elle and whatnot. I just think she's incredibly hot and sexy.
She makes me giddy; I could eat her with a spoon. I don't understand how anyone could possibly look at her and think her fat. I would start exercising if I was promised I would end up looking like her.
Yes, I know that she is still being photoshopped (no one I know has skin that perfect), and I'm sure some of the spreads are making her thinner, but STILL. They aren't making her look like a stick, and they can do that. I saw some video on Youtube (what a pantheon of integrity, right?) where someone did that. Took a large woman in lingerie and made her skinny. Hold on, let me see if I can find it. . . . .
Yep, here it is. Warning, there is a bare ass. Just so you know.
And here is another awesomely godessy picture of her finishing a fashion show for Jean-Paul Gaultier. Apparently this is a huge deal. I guess. I certainly wouldn't know.

The Man said that her dress looks like spring threw up down the front, but I've got to say, this is actually pretty tame compared to some runway show pictures I've seen. It could conceivably be worn in public. Or maybe she just makes it look that way.
Anyway, I officially have a girl crush on her. So how about some more hottie photos?

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