I did pretty well, I think. I had to skip a couple of questions that I just didn't know the answer to, and I got a bunch wrong at the end because I had to guess, but at least I didn't fail, right? Unfortunately, my 4.0 GPA is no longer existent, though I blame the fact that they keep using the latin names for herbs, and I can't remember those. The names have nothing in common with the common names, and I need something to tie the two together. The only one I can remember is garlics (which is allium sativum. I'm so smart!), but that's because apparently it can cure anything, so they talk about it a lot. Oh, and I recognize dandelions when I see it, though I can't spell it.
I also have a hard time with the big medical words that explain why marshmallow root is good for sore throats, or why licorice root is good for ulcers, or why garlic is the herbal gift from God. I just can't remember what goes with what, because I can't pronounce the words. And there are a lot of them that sound really similar, but do really different things.
At any rate, I think my final grade will be a low A. We shall see. Now I'm off to shower off the stink of learning. No one wants THAT smell hanging around them.

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I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.