A picture of your favorite food, and a short story or memory involving it (example: the first time you ate it, a memory cooking it--the conversation involved, etc). If you can, provide the recipe.
Well, I don't actually have a specific favorite food. I used to luuuuurve tacos, and while I still do, they aren't my favorite anymore. I also like chocolate, but not all chocolate. I don't like dark chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, or chocolate pudding. Actually, I don't like pudding at all. I have newly discovered that I really like pudding when it is mixed with whipped cream (as long as the pudding isn't chocolate).
My favorite TYPE of food, at the moment, is anything sweet. Mmmmmmm, sweet. Ice cream, cookies, pie, cake, candy, doughnuts. I've turned into a total sugar whore since having Baby Cakes.
I also like Mexican food. If we are going out to eat, I will always pick a Mexican place. Los Hermanos is divine. There used to be a place, Taco Reindo, or something like that, that was soooooooo goooooooood. It's gone now though. So sad.
And, since this one is so short, I'll treat you to.......
Everything About Me That You Never Wanted To Know :
(hopefully this one will be easier than the food thing)
Where do you dream of going someday?
Ooooo, so many places. France comes to mind first. I love the french language, I think it is gorgeous. I wish I had the motivation to learn it. Or the money to take a class to learn it. I'd also like to go to Italy and Ireland. I want to go to Japan because The Man says they are crazy, and I want to see for myself. But if I do ever get the chance to go anywhere other than the US or Canada (sorry Canada), I don't want to do all the tourist trap things (okay, I do, really, but not at the same time). I want to immerse myself in the culture and see how people there really live. Because the tourist places are going to be so different than the places no one goes to.