Word of warning, it might get depressing, because my life has been good, and it's been really bad, and depending on my mood, you just might get bad memories. Also, there won't be any of the requested pictures, because, well, I just don't do that. So, here's the first question:
(oh yeah, when I do this, I won't be doing the Extra Things You Never Wanted to Know About Me. Because these could end up even longer than my usual novels.)
1. A picture of yourself as a baby or kid.

Write about your birth, what you know of it, random details of that event that you are aware of.
Let's see.....I was born 2 weeks early, and my mom says it was the easiest of her 4 births. She said I came out smiling; I never cried. She said that the doctor told her to push, then told her to stop pushing, but I came out anyway. I was the only one of us born in a birthing room at the hospital, which my parents really liked. I had a lot of hair. I was 6 pounds. The doctor said that I would have skin problems (of course they don't show up until NOW).
I don't know, and I already talked to my parents today. I have to ration my love, or they gorge themselves and get sick. Can't have that.
How did they choose your name? Middle name?
Seeing as how my dad is a (retired) Methodist minister, my parents chose my name from the Bible. Quick, which story?
Good job! You get a cookie!
For those of you who didn't get it, my name comes from the Old Testament story of Ruth and Naomi. I did get named after the old lady, but that's okay, because I really like her. She's a strong woman, and I've always imagined her as quite an opinionated one (she would totally ride a motorcycle). She knows what she wants, and what she needs, and she goes out and gets it. She also doesn't push her religion on people who she knows doesn't believe the same as her, but she shows her love for them, and accepts them as her friends and family. She tells Ruth to go back home to her people after her (Naomi's) son dies, but Ruth says that Naomi's god is now her god and she will stay with her and go where ever she goes. She is very faithful and has a strong testimony, something I hope to also achieve someday.
My middle name, I'm not sure about. I think I was named after some great aunt or something. No, I was not named after Magdalena in the Bible (my middle name is Dalene) though I'm sure it is a derivative of that name. I really like it, and I've debated naming a daughter that. We shall see. Not many people ever picked up on the fact that my middle name is similar to the name of the woman who has the reputation of being a prostitute in the Bible. Do you realize that there is no where in the Bible stating she was one, or even hints at that? I think it was the Catholic church that came up with that one. Not sure why.
Ha! I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE DOING IT! And yes, I'm very nosy. But in a good way, like, I'm actually curious and interested in my friends' thoughts. Love you,
ReplyDeleteNow I will always picture the Naomi in the Bible as Garfield's (and John Arbuckle's) grandma. xD Cause she rides a motorcycle and is all spunky, too. Lol!
ReplyDeleteBwa ha ha ha! I totally remember her! I always liked her.