Monday, March 21, 2011

Squish, Squish, Squish

Sometimes I am amazed at people.

I decided to do some grocery shopping today with Baby Cakes, which means she was in her wrap on my front.  I had one girl offer to help me load my cart after checking out, though I turned her down.  Then when I was loading my trunk, a lady came running over and just started helping the weird lady who didn't put her baby in the car seat before loading the car.  They were so nice, and I really appreciated the help. 

Then, our wonderful home teachers came over to help fix our clogged pipe running from our washer.  We kept putting it off until Jesse would have time to work on it, but when you are doing laundry 3+ days a week, all that water NOT draining down the pipe will decide to rot the wall instead.  When a big piece of it was laying on the floor today, instead of standing up with all the rest of it's dry wall friends, I decided that it was time to get some help.  That water is just a bad seed.  That and I had to wash diapers and Baby Cakes laundry and just didn't want to deal with all the water again.  (Thankfully we have a drain in our laundry room floor, so at least the water WENT somewhere.) 

I really love being on the receiving end of service.  It makes me feel like people out there really care about us, that we aren't invisible and alone.  What a lovely squishy feeling. 


  1. How happy! (Except for the wall part which was sad.) I'm glad there are so many nice people out there that aren't afraid to be helpful. =)

  2. If it helps, i do laundry 7 days a week and we don't have diapers.

    Also, Matt pulled out the 12 month clothes this morning (I think). Now I need to drag myself out of bed and get to it.


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.