Thursday, September 3, 2009

Forget Sucking, It Teabags

What can I say? My life is an emotional rollercoaster. For years, I've been coasting by on my awesome good looks (you know I'm hot!), but now, things can't be fixed by that. My life is seriously crashing all around me, and I'm struggling to find the pieces so I can put them back together. And on top of this, our computer hard drive crashed, our dog has food allergies that are bad enough that we will probably have to get pretty expensive food for her, our newer car is the one that isn't working, our bills just keep getting higher, I have a final that I'm supposed to be studying for right now that I'm pretty certain I won't do well on, and my immediate manager at work sucks at his job -I could do a much better job- yet I have to listen to him. The Man is super stressed too. He hates his job, but can't find another one because he has no training in anything else, and I'm sure I'm not helping his stress level at all by constantly bitching about mine. And some very, very, very good friends will be leaving soon, and it makes me very, very, very sad. I know that this move will give them better opportunities than they have ever had to better their lives, but still. I want them close. I'm jealous that they get to keep each other. They're mine, damn it, you can't have them! *shaking of fists*

The Parents are, amazingly and thankfully, doing a fantastic job of keeping their noses out of this. For once, they aren't asking questions, and not getting mad if I don't tell them everything. They are respecting the distance that I set up with them. It's taking some getting used to. I'm very wary of this, and don't trust that it will last. But The In-Laws are moving here in a couple of years, which makes me very, very happy!

I can't wait for this crappy, crappy summer to be over. Even though that means fall and winter and cloudy skies and cold weather and I hate those things so very very much. Maybe I'll just hide under my bed with all the dog and cat hair until spring comes. Then, when I crawl out to finally shower the crust off, The Man will have a new job that will pay the bills AND make him happy, the cars will never break down again, and neither will our computer, and The Boss Man will tell me that I'm now the Freight Manager because The Crappy One fell off the face of the earth and no one can do the job quite like my amazing self. And maybe I'll actually have my mind put back together enough to actually believe it.

P.S. Expect some very depressing posts for a while. You have my permission to ignore them.


  1. Oh, great and noble (and beautiful) Naomi. I bow in unworthiness to your totally awesome open-ness. We feel this way, and you tell it the way most can't or don't wanna. I am feeling your giant powers of truth-saying. Again I bow.

    Sounds like things are a bit rough...aka a "please-someone-with-a-big-truck-find-me-and-hit-me" moment.
    Tell what I can do to help.
    Yes I live over 800 miles away. Yes, it's one of those face to face matters. (by the way our number to contact us is 559-659-2300)
    But if you can think of anything that might be helpful...I want so much for you and Jesse to be happy and feel good about day to day trials/life. You deserve to be happy.

    Can you explain the teabag reference. Sounds like a good inside joke.
    Love you guys,
    Amanda J Flood

  2. You are so nice Amanda. Too bad you are so far away. Do you really want to know what teabagging is? It's a dirty joke, and I don't want to be the one to destroy your innocence. ;)


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.