Friday, September 11, 2009

Robot Servents Make Me Happy

This makes me happy.

Now, who wants to buy me a Roomba?


  1. Wow.. That is so freaking AWESOME!

    It makes me happy, too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ya know, I didn't even know this was YOUR blog until I read a while and read JESSE and then I was like...holy crap, I miss her and am so glad I get to read about her life. : ) Yikes -- hope mine doesn't depress the hell out of you.

  3. Aw, man, I posted The Man's name? Oops, I wasn't supposed to do that! :D I'm glad you're reading it. I miss you too. Yours doesn't depress the hell out of me. I like to know how other people are feeling, it makes me feel less alone in my own pain. Plus, you write really well. I wish you would write more.


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.