I was catching up on blogs, and I found this on a good friends site:
1- What musician do you love that would surprise people because it doesn't seem to fit with the rest of your favorites?
2- Post your favorite picture of yourself.
3- What is something you miss?
4- Name a talent of yours you want to cultivate more.
5- What tv show or movie do you watch when you really need to calm down and come back to yourself?
6- What book has made the biggest impression on you so far?
7- Where do you dream of going someday?
8- Who inspires you to be more and why?
9- A picture (new or old) of you in your very favorite shirt.
10- Name a geeky hobby you have.
11- What tastes like Christmas when you eat it?
12- Make a recipe you've been scared of, take a picture to post here, then have fun eating it and tell us about it later. =)
13- Who, outside of family, do you still keep in touch with regularly that has known you the longest?
14- Name a comic strip you love.
15- Post a picture of you from a time you were very happy.
16- What is one thing you would change about yourself?
17- Post a picture of your favorite bird.
18- Favorite Sean Connery role.
19- A song you turn to when you really need that whatever-it-is.
20- What language do you wish you could speak fluently?
21- When you are bored, what do you doodle pictures of?
22- Your favorite poem.
23- What is the name of the scent of candle you have that you love the most?
24- Your favorite color to wear.
25- If you could start your own business, what would it be?
26- Try a food you've never tasted before and tell us about it.
27- What are the pros and cons of your place in your family (ie youngest, middle kid, oldest...) and how do you think it has shaped you as a person?
28- Name 2 animals - one tiny, one big - that you think are cool.
29- Your favorite movie in black and white.
30- What do you love most about yourself?
What you do is answer one of the questions every day. I'm stealing it, and doing it myself. Now, will I do one every day for a month? Don't be silly. I'm not that good at schedules. But I'm hoping I'll at least get through 30 of these in a year.
=D You're doing it!!! Yayz! I was kind of sad cause no one else was doing the 30 extra things with me. :( But now YOU are! Yay yay yay yay!