A small voice of truth and calmness in the storm of thousands. . . .Okay, not really. I'll just be adding to the whole mess.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Oven Update
Friday, December 11, 2009
All You Want For Christmas Is What I'm Giving You. And You'd Better Like It, Buster, Or No Dessert.
This Years Random Crap Pileup (Now with pictures!)
So, I really should stop surfing the web for more crochet patterns. I've got more than I could possibly make in a lifetime. But I have to have my fix, man! I've got it under control, really. I can stop whenever I want to. I just don't want to. Luckily for me, most of them are on the computer, so people don't know about my obsession.
Apparently Cat 2 doesn't support Nintendo. Who would have guessed?
My birthday bonfire. From one of the best parties I ever had, ever. You girls are awesome and totally need to come scorch my table again after Christmas!
This is plantain. You can totally eat it. Or use it for bug bites (I think. I'll have to look that up). Or drink tea from it. I took a picture because I recognized it thanks to my schoolage. Me so smrt.
An orange slug. It's my new mascot. If only someone would tell me how to post it for my banner picture, I'd be all set.
The Man's hands after he got bit (accidentally) trying to break up a dog fight.
Dog 1 decided that this was an appropriate response to "lay down" when she wanted to watch whatever it was that was outside.
Random prize of my choosing to the first person to spot the anomaly.
This is how deep the hole was (we were staking our tree straight. Can't have gay trees, it's unnatural). It's not real clear, but it wasn't very deep. Not even 2 feet. It also wasn't very wide.
This is how many rocks came out of that hole. Our yard grows rocks.
And gay trees.
It's a dog party! The 3 extra dogs belong to The Dog Friends.
After 3 years, and a compromise involving a big screen tv, it's finally coming off! I just wish I had gotten a picture of it in all it's hideous glory before, but I didn't think about it.
And last but not least:
A GUESSING GAME!!! (no guessing if you already know.)
Any takers?
Come on, the last one should have been a dead giveway.
Ah, I thought you guys were smarter than that!
Screw fixing it. Who wants to buy me a new oven for Christmas?
P.S. You want to read my sink story again. It has pictures now. Yay!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Because I Haven't Posted in 3 Weeks And I Know You Need Something To Hold You Over Until My Life Is Interesting Again
- First thing you wash in the shower? My hair. Have to start from the top and work my way down.
- What color is your favorite hoodie? I don't have one. If I wear one, it's probably The Man's.
- Do you plan outfits? Nope. If I'm going out, I'll make sure it matches, otherwise, why bother?
- How are you feeling RIGHT now? My shoulder hurts. This is nothing new. I'm happy to be talking to a friend online.
- What's the closest thing to you that's red? My sweater.
- Tell me about the last dream you remember having? I was in it. And some other people.
- Did you meet anyone new today? Just customers.
- What are you craving right now? Water. Oddly. I'll probably end up drinking a Dr Pepper.
- Do you floss? Whenever I shower.
- What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Cabbage.
- Are you emotional? Depends on the day, the weather, my period, work, how clean the house is, the pets, my relationships, and some other little things. Otherwise, no, not at all.
- Have you ever counted to 1,000? yep.
- Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Depends on how hungry I am.
- Do you like your hair? Sometimes.
- Do you like yourself? About 30 days out of the year, yes.
- Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? No. I don't think I could stand to listen to him for very long before I started to tell him how stupid he sounds. Plus, he'd have to have someone write all his answers for him.
- What are you listening to right now? My typing.
- Were your parents strict? Not really.
- Would you go sky diving? Hell. No.
- Do you like cottage cheese? I haven't had it since I was a kid. I didn't like it then.
- Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes. He was an ass. And no, I wasn't fawning over him.
- Do you rent movies often? Nope. The Hollywood Video by our house closed down.
- Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? Nope.
- How many countries have you visited? I have visited America's hat.
- Have you made a prank phone call? Nope.
- Ever been on a train? Once, that I can remember.
- Brown or white eggs? Doesn't matter, they all come out of a chickens butt.
- Do you have a cell-phone? Nope. I'm holding out until I'm popular enough that people will actually call me. The Man doesn't count.
- Do you use chap stick? The Man says I'm addicted. It's a lie. The fact that I put on Vaseline just now has nothing to do with it.
- Do you own a gun? Nope.
- Can you use chop sticks? Ha! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
- Who are you going to be with tonight? The Man. He's hot in bed. Literally.
- Are you too forgiving? Nope.
- Ever been in love? Yep.
- What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? Work. And hopefully a doctors appointment.
- Ever had cream puffs? Love them!
- Last time you cried? Last Friday, I think.
- What was the last question you asked? so, I'm a half drowned cat with ring worm?
- Favorite time of the year? Summer.
- Do you have any tattoos? No, but I want one. I won't get one, but I want one.
- Are you sarcastic? That is a dumb question.
- Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? No, thank goodness.
- Ever walked into a wall? Probably. And probably recently.
- Favorite color? Purple.
- Have you ever slapped someone? Yes. All the time. I have to keep people in line. Remind them who's in charge.
- Is your hair curly? Not naturally.
- What was the last CD you bought? I think it was Rubber Soul.
- Do looks matter? Not anymore. I married the hottest guy on the planet.
- Could you ever forgive a cheater? The one time I was cheated on, I didn't. At least, I broke up with him.
- Is your phone bill sky high? Nope. Cricket is good that way.
- Do you like your life right now? Only the part that The Man is in.
- Do you sleep with the TV on? If my earplugs are in, the sound is practically muted and I can't see any light from it, yes.
- Can you handle the truth? Not usually, but I prefer it to beating around the bush.
- Do you have good vision? Nope.
- Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? Probably. I can't remember who they all are though.
- How often do you talk on the phone? I hate the phone. I ignore it frequently.
- The last person you held hands with? The Man.
- What are you wearing? Gray fleece sweat pants, tan socks, lime green long sleeved shirt, black short sleeved shirt and a red cardigan/sweater thing. Shut up. I'm cold.
- What is your favorite animal? Rats.
- Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? Grand Canyon
- Can you hula hoop? Nope. Never learned.
- Do you have a job? Yep.
- What was the most recent thing you bought? Rico burritos, keifir, apricot scrub, mango juice, all natural, organic pop tart things.
- Are yes and no questions on things like this stupid? Yep.
Monday, November 16, 2009
2012 Is Coming! Doom To All Mankind!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Because I Get Asked This Every Year, Multiple Times
Why I Hate The Holidays
I really do get asked this every year, so many times that by the time they are finally over, I want to strangle anyone who asks me. I get so tired of the astonishment that people have over the fact that someone, somewhere, doesn't thoroughly enjoy the holiday season. And though I don't believe that this post will in anyway get people to stop asking me (if anything, I will get more questions), I'm going to post it anyway. So there.
(This is in no particular order.)
1. The people. They are EVERYWHERE. I generally don't like crowds. Leftovers from my paranoid past. But I can generally handle them, when I'm in an okay to good mood, or if I have The Man with me when I'm in a bad mood. This crowd thing does make certain things difficult to do, like go grocery shopping, or go to church, but I manage with little to no problems most times. But during the holiday shopping season? Think again. The amount of people out seems to go up by a thousand overnight. Suddenly you can't set foot in a store anywhere, at any time of the day or night, without being mauled by people. Don't even get me started on the mall. And the screaming children, who are screaming because they aren't getting something they want, or because they have had nothing but sugar all day, or because they are tired and bored, are the cherry on the top of the poop pile. I do understand that all children scream, and I know that most parents try their best to keep their children reigned in, and that if the only time you have to go shopping is at 10 o'clock at night, and your a single parent, that you really don't have much choice other than to bring your children with you, but still, the screaming just shreds my nerves. It's great birth control, let me tell you. And I hate being touched by strangers, in anyway, unless I am/have been introduced to them, and it's guaranteed that I will be bumped (shoved?) by multiple someones if I go out in public. Ick.
2. The chaos. Good grief. Chaos in the stores, on the roads, at work, at home, in families, with friends, in the airports, on TV. It's EVERYWHERE.
3. The materialism, real or pushed by the media. One of my most hated days of the year is Black Friday. I do NOT understand that day. I know the theory behind it is that stores hold these amazing sales that will get them so much money that they won't be in the red, but in the black. Black Friday. But the image it conjures in my mind is much more disturbing and involves Satan. Forget Halloween. Satan rules on Black Friday. I don't know why people would subject themselves to the kind of abuse that gets rained on them, and by them, for STUFF. I think I could understand it if it was happening because Christ had returned and Wal-Mart happened to be where he was holding court (is that what He would do? I don't really know), but for a digital photo frame? Come on. I know people do it because they want to save money on gifts that they know everyone will think is great, but I would personally prefer some cookies or something. Cookies are cheap, and everyone loves cookies. Or a visit. I love to talk. I don't need more things, I have too many as it is. Show me your love for me by being my friend outside of Christmas obligation to give every person you have ever laid eyes on a gift or card. I need more friends that really care about me than I do anything else, and I believe that's true for everyone.
Of course, I may just hate Black Friday because of the crowds.
4. The music. I was actually called satanic for not liking Christmas music. Lovely. But when it starts in mid-October, and plays until mid-January, everyone is sick of it. Especially the attempts by pop/rock singers or bands to make Christmas music. The various variations of O Come All Ye Faithful, or Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, disgust me. And they are the same song, the same tune, just sung by someone else. A billion times a day. I have one favorite, but even that one I get sick of by the end. And the attempts at new Christmas music? Give up. I've never heard a good one. They are all sappy and disgusting. And stop playing the Mariah Carey one. Oh My Swear Word. I hate it. It makes my ears bleed. Really.
5. It's cold. There is snow on the ground. And it's probably cloudy out. See my previous post on cloudy days. I hate them with a passion. And I'm terrified of freezing to death. I have no idea why, I've never remotely come close to it. But I am. And telling me that it's a good way to die does NOT help. Give me heat stroke any day.
6. The food. IT'S EVERYWHERE. Now, this is an aspect of the holidays that most people like. An excuse to forget about their diets, and to attempt to give themselves either a heart attack or diabetes in 2 months. And that's fine. More power to you. But when you have an eating disorder (I might as well announce it to the world: Anorexia anorexia anorexia anorexia anorexia anorexia. Yep, that's the one), the food is a terrible, terrible thing. The constant talk about how much weight everyone is gaining, and how much they hate it, as they stick another cookie on their plate, but aren't going to do anything about it. Any comments on my own weight, or my looks in general that aren't centered on my gorgeous face, are so much harder for me to take this time of year. They are hard to take anyway, but it's 10 times worse, at least, when I hear it at a party with massive amounts of food, even if it's a compliment. The kinds of food that are cooked and offered. The FAT. The CALORIES. The SUGAR that just turns into fat. AAAAAAUUUUUUGH! And it seems so hard for people to get. I just CAN'T eat like that. And yes, I know I'm not skinny anymore, but that doesn't mean jack shit when it comes to this stuff. It's all in my head. And it's not fun.
(Please, don't start thinking that I'm judging you to be fat or judging YOU to be anything at all if I happen to see you eat anything. I'm usually just focusing on the food and what's in it, and struggling with wanting to eat it, but thinking that one bite will make me explode with fat, and judging MYSELF. It's all about me and the food, and I never think about the person who is actually eating the food.)
7. The obligations. The obligations to go to parties, or to give people gifts, or to send out cards to people you never see or talk to or communicate with at all except with said card. The obligation to be happy and cheerful and decorative and excited. I'm excited all right. I'm excited for it all to be over for another year.
8. And finally (finally!) the lack of time. I would much rather spend this time of year alone in my house with my husband, just spending time with him. I don't want to travel, I don't want to go to a party, I don't want to host a party, I don't want to go shopping. I want to spend it with my family. Here. And those nights that I get to, are the sweetest parts of this time of year. Until the dogs start chasing the cats, getting into the garbage, and barking at every person who decides to drive by.
I can't wait for this to be over.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fun With Rodents
On to other happenings (not news, since news does not happen in my family).
We have had a working, but unused fridge, for a year and a half now. The Parents bought us a brand new, energy star one for our anniversary the year we bought our house. The other one worked fine, but it was small, and we had to use bungee cords to be able to use one of the shelves on the fridge door. Ghetto appliances are fun. Anyway, there is a local refrigerator recycling program run/sponsored by the electric company that will take away fridges and freezers for free, and then PAY YOU 30 bucks for the privilege. What a deal! (It used to be 40, though. I feel shafted.) And they give you a booklet that tells you all the rebates you can get for getting energy star appliances, AND 2 free energy saving light bulbs. Too bad they don't work well on lights with dimmers. Because that's pretty much every light in our house. So sad.
ANYWAY, we had problems getting them to come to our house, no because we are ghetto white trash (have you SEEN our front yard? I hope not. It's embarrassing), but because for the longest time the only available pickup days were when I had to work all day, and couldn't be home. Then, when we finally managed to get one on a different day of the week, it was a day that we would be out of town. But they finally were able to come today. So, the fridge is gone, and we can now seriously start looking at stoves, as we plan on putting one in the little nook that the fridge sat in. Because having a separate stove top and oven, sucks. Don't do it. It's not cool. It's lame. Not trendy. Really.
But the noteworthy thing of the whole story: There was a dead mouse underneath that fridge. So dead, that it was stuck to the floor.
So dead, and so covered in that appliance dirt that appliances attract, that the first time we pulled the fridge out to clean back there, we didn't even notice it. It was just another dust bunny that needed to be vacuumed up. But it wasn't. Some of the dirt didn't come up when I vacuumed, so I was doing some scrubbing, and when I went to scrub that particular lump, IT'S HEAD CAME OFF. I still didn't notice it was a mouse until I noticed the tail.
It was so gross. And it was so stuck, I actually had to SCRAPE the thing off.
Thankfully, The Man made me wear gloves from the beginning, because there were old mouse turds back there. We know they are old, because at least one of our cats will hunt and kill mice (she did it in one of our apartments), and we have seen no evidence of them in the house except behind old appliances. And I was bleaching the floor as well. After finding the actual mouse, it was bleached about 3 more times.
It still gives me the willies. Mice don't bother me, they really don't I think they are kind of cute. Unless they are dead. And stuck to my floor. With no head.
That will bother me.
As it should anyone.

Monday, October 26, 2009
Just Because I Owe You

I've been wanting to post something, ANYTHING, but my mind has been a complete blank. Well, a more specific blank than my usual blankness. The zombies would never find me, because I have blank eyes too. It's my survival tactic. (Shut up, The Delicious One! It will TOO work!)
I think we are coming back from the brink of death by pig flu. The Man is doing much better. We are still waiting to see if he turns into a pig at the full moon. How much fun would that be! I've always wanted a pet pig. They are supposed to be smarter than dogs. And pretty clean, too.
I actually did some chores around the house today. For a few minutes. I mostly played Lego Star Wars (woot!). I'm glad that we're feeling better though. You always dream of being able to stay home for a week straight because your sick or something, but damn, it's BORING!!!!! Don't be jealous. Really. The only places we've been for more than a week is the grocery store to pick up sickness stuff and frozen dinners, and that was last Sunday. Oh yeah, and Dell Taco on Friday and Hollywood Video last night. I swear, absolutely no where. And video games get really old really quick. See, when you're home because you're sick, you have no energy to do anything else, so you sit around and stare at things, until you manage to feel better enough to pick up a video game controller. I finally beat Lego Indiana Jones, because I had nothing better to do with my time. I didn't even have the energy to go to the library and get books (not that they would have wanted me there). Maybe tomorrow. If I don't go to work. Which I'm sure I will. They've missed me, I just know it. Someone has to the keep The Boss Man in line. I'm sure he's completely out of control.
So yeah,
I'm Back!!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Sappy Sappiness For Those Who Lurve Me

The Delicious One from work (you know who you are) told me today that when she reads my blog, she feels so sad for me, and sad that she can't do more to cheer me up. Well, let me tell you, The Delicious One and all the rest of The Work Friends (you will get labels later, when I'm not so tired and lazy), you do help. I never laugh so hard anywhere as I do at work. You guys get me out of my self-absorbed over analytical mess for a couple of hours when I'm there, and get me to enjoy a little bit of my day. Even though work stresses me out so very much right now because of lack of control over certain things that I want control over (Death to the freight manager! Mutiny! MUTINY!), I still enjoy 90% of it. I feel so special when so many people at least ACT like they are happy to see me. You don't try to fix my problems, you just hang around and talk to me, as if you actually LIKE me the way I am! Imagine that!
The hugs are good too. I like hugs. And the butt slapping. And all the things we do that could so be sexual harassment if you guys weren't so damned awesome. So, don't feel bad, don't feel like there's nothing you can do, because you already are, just by wanting to be my friend. By not caring how self absorbed I am, or if I'm a good little Mormon or not, or if I'm hypocritical, or selfish, or don't have kids yet, or whatever. Work is one place that I don't feel judged by anyone, ever. And work is one place that I know if someone did, I could sic all of you on the person doing it. Like I said, you're all damned awesome, and that's the best kind of awesome you can be.
If you feel you must do something, just hug me (The Delicious One, you don't have to. Just make some dirty joke, you hug Nazi). And don't get all weird if I start to cry (it happens often these days).
And if you tell anyone that I got sappy, I will make you work with the freight manager. And you know I'll do it. Love ya! Mwah!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Food, Food, I Hate Food
Yes, I'm bitching and moaning about how miserable my life is right now. Poor little me. Apparently, I'm not supposed to ever, ever talk about how badly I feel on my blog. Just about how fan-fucking-tastic it all is.
But this is what is going on in my life, and my blog is about my life, not about what I wish it was. It's not some fake out that I post to make everyone either happy for me, or pity me. It's my vent. It's my place to post what I want.
It's hard to talk about the good days, when the bad days are so overwhelming. I've had some really, really good days. Days when I know that I will be fine. Days when I know that I'm worth beating this for. Days when I really love myself. When I don't struggle with eating, or getting out of bed, or going to work. Hell, I've even recently had a good WEEK. But I still have more days than not where I DON'T believe any of that. I may be complaining a lot about it, but I'm trying, really trying. It may not seem like it to anyone except The Man, but I am. And I'm making progress. Just ask him. See, apparently, I used to have bi- or tri-weekly breakdowns, blubbering about how miserable I was. Now, he says, it's pretty few and far between, and I always have a pretty good reason (other than that I am lonely and emotional). So, I HAVE gotten stronger. I HAVE gotten a better handle on my depression, though it may not seem like it lately. I think that's WHY so much shit is hitting the proverbial fan. Because I can finally take more of it. But man, have you ever noticed how much shit stinks?
Thankfully, I have The Man. He is awesome. He is strong. He is supportive. He gets mad and protective if someone hurts me (what girl doesn't like that?). He is H-O-T (you know you all want him). I know that with him, I don't really need anyone else. I really don't. If I can just remember to actually listen to what he has to say to me. And to follow it. Looking for additional help outside of him has backfired on me bigger than anything ever has. I trusted some one with secrets that no one else knows (except for The Man), and this person knows this, and this person ended up playing coward. I KNOW this person is better than this. I KNOW this person is not really like this. I KNOW that this person is kinder than they are letting themselves be. I also know that this person will never, ever see this, and will never ever know that while a big big part of me regrets ever asking for help with something I knew they could help with, they will also never, ever know that they did still help me, and I will remember and love them forever for it. And maybe someday, when things are different, we can be friends again.
But I'm not so sure I want that, without a guarantee that it won't happen again. Because a broken heart is so not helping my situation right now.

Monday, October 5, 2009
'Tis the Season to be SAD
And yes, I am defensive about it if you ask me what my problem is. I don't get people who like the clouds, or rain, or snow. I'm fine with both rain and snow, after they have stopped falling. Well, actually, I generally don't like snow either, unless it's a) sunny and b) completely undisturbed. Then it's pretty.
And I'm sure that the people who revel in cloudy days don't get why I don't. At least, most who have expressed to me their joy in the clouds and rain are aghast (I do love that word) when I tell them that I feel otherwise. I would really love to move somewhere where it never snows, or rains, or if it did, the cloud cover was blessedly short, and the sun could come out again. But since I can't, I just try to remind myself that at least I'm not in The Home State, where apparently it has already started snowing. Blech.
And don't ever, ever tell me that I'm the one who chooses whether to be happy or not every time I get up in the morning. If you believe that, then you have never dealt with depression. Count your blessings, if that's true.
And don't tell me that when it's cloudy out, or I will murder you.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tell Me What You Think
ISFP - "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population. |
disorganized, timid, prone to discouragement, socially uncomfortable, does not like leadership, suggestible, not self confident, not aggressive, lower energy, fearful, anxious, easily distracted, prone to discontentment, guarded, not confrontational, prone to longing for a stabilizing relationship, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, easily disturbed, fears drawing attention to self, prone to confusion, private, second guesses self, prone to quitting, underachiever, fears rejection in relationships, emotionally moody, prone to sadness, dislikes change, indecisive, modest, doubting, prone to laziness
favored careers:
sports management, pediatrician, school teacher, carpenter, veterinary technician, singer, health educator, stay at home parent, hospitality worker, pastor, athlete, physician assistant, photographer, health care worker, shop assistant, stylist, website designer
disfavored careers:
professor, marketing, academic, criminal psychologist, politician, comic book artist, actor, psychoanalyst, dj, judge, entrepreneur, attorney
At first, I was pretty certain that they got the "dislikes leadership" part wrong, because I love to be in charge. But then I started to think about it. Do I really? Really? Because, that means work. That means being responsible. Taking the blame if something goes wrong. Then I realized, I don't actually want to be in charge if the person in charge is competent and doing a good job. I just like to be in control. I hate not being able to say no to someone "over me" that I think sucks at their job. I think that's why I love my job so much. 3 days out of the week, I am in control of myself and my work space 98% of the time. I don't like it when the manager comes back and tells me to do something unexpected (okay, expected too), and I hate when more deliveries come, but that's something I deal with. Because as soon as those people leave my freight room, I'M in charge of figuring out the best way of getting it finished. YAY!
Anyway, let me know if you agree. Because if it's true, I think I have a lot of work to do. Except apparently I'm prone to laziness. So maybe I won't. I have an excuse now, you know. Science and all that.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Politician? Really?
You Are 44% Good |
You are a fairly good person. You strive to live a moral life whenever possible. You are usually kind, generous, and loyal. However, you do have a dark side that even you may not see. When it comes down to ethical decisions, you tend to take the path of least resistance. So you may end up lying, cheating, or engaging in other bad behavior... because it's just easier to do so. You are also probably: Conflicted and confused about the current course of your life Right now you are on track to being: A slightly crooked politician To be a better person: Break one bad habit - whether it's telling white lies or spending too much money. |
Don't Get So Upset
"Many well-meaning Christians are upset by Xmas, rather than Christmas, on Christmas cards and greetings. They see the X as a way to “take Christ out of Christmas.” Actually, the opposite is true. X is the Greek letter Chi, the first letter of the word Christ. It was used originally to prevent the disrespectful overuse of the Savior’s title in greetings and correspondence."
So there.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dear Prudence
You know how people will ask you sometimes, if you could have anything you could wish for, what would it be? Most people (okay, everyone except possibly the Prophet, and Jesus) would ask for money, or for something that could only be solved by having more money. I have to say, having more money would be very nice. Especially if it never ran out. Very nice. But if I was asked that today, right now, I wouldn't ask for that. Nope. Maybe tomorrow.
I would wish that I could be happy.
No, scratch that. I would wish that I could be joyful. To me, happiness is nice, but joy runs deep, and won't go away, once you have it.
I would wish that my confusion would go away. That I would stop questioning myself and my motives for anything and everything I do.
I would wish that I would wake up tomorrow and find myself.
I would wish to never have to question the love people have for me, to always believe that someone, somewhere, really does love me, and care about me, and take comfort in that.
I would wish that I didn't believe that I have dragged so many through my dirt.
I would wish that I had no dirt to drag people through.
I would wish to be able to look up, no matter where I am, and believe.
I would wish to be able to see.
About a month ago, I met a very nice girl, very late at night (that is significant, the time). She is so sweet, and so kind. She trusts so easily, at least, she trusted me, and my friend. She is so open and loving. So believing in the small things. She finds wonder in things like textures, and smells. And colors. She loves colors. She could get lost in colors. But she has been hurt so badly, and is very shy. She doesn't like to come outside, so seeing her was a small miracle.
I called her Prudence. The name just fits. Plus, if you know the song, it fits too. Because she's been hiding ever since.
And that is the biggest wish I have. To see her again. To know her, and learn from her. But I'm also afraid of her, because if I do see her again, and she stays, I will lose myself. See, she may trust me, but I don't trust her. I have been hurt far too many times to trust someone so simple. It's the simple ones that always hurt you the most. It's the simple ones that leave the deepest scars. It's the simple ones that have the most murderous plots and designs on your soul. And it's the simple trust that is so easily broken. But still, there is that voice, that desire, to see her again. Especially when I hear that song. But I just know she will burn me. I just know it.
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play?
Dear Prudence, open up your eyes
Dear Prudence, see the sunny skies
The wind is low, the birds will sing
That you are part of everything
Dear Prudence won't you open up your eyes?
Look around round round
Look around round round
Oh look around
Dear Prudence, let me see you smile
Dear Prudence, like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play?
I like to imagine that someone cares enough about her to sing that song to her, and mean it. And that she would believe it.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Forget Sucking, It Teabags
The Parents are, amazingly and thankfully, doing a fantastic job of keeping their noses out of this. For once, they aren't asking questions, and not getting mad if I don't tell them everything. They are respecting the distance that I set up with them. It's taking some getting used to. I'm very wary of this, and don't trust that it will last. But The In-Laws are moving here in a couple of years, which makes me very, very happy!
I can't wait for this crappy, crappy summer to be over. Even though that means fall and winter and cloudy skies and cold weather and I hate those things so very very much. Maybe I'll just hide under my bed with all the dog and cat hair until spring comes. Then, when I crawl out to finally shower the crust off, The Man will have a new job that will pay the bills AND make him happy, the cars will never break down again, and neither will our computer, and The Boss Man will tell me that I'm now the Freight Manager because The Crappy One fell off the face of the earth and no one can do the job quite like my amazing self. And maybe I'll actually have my mind put back together enough to actually believe it.
P.S. Expect some very depressing posts for a while. You have my permission to ignore them.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Everywhere But Here
I've been debating turning this into an invitation only blog, but then, if I do, and these people ask why I haven't invited them, I wouldn't even be able to lie to them, just tell them that I don't want them reading it. And the judgment will commence, yet again. And I'm very very tired of the judging.
But, let's just say I'm struggling, with a lot of things, and it's hard, and stressful, and depressing, and very very very hurtful. Most of the time, I don't want to get out of bed in the morning (since that would mean I have to actually do something with myself, like shower), or go to bed at night (since that would mean the next day would be here that much sooner). Whether I want to keep going or not with this changes every day, every minute, actually. I have a great support system, but fail miserably at using it. I have strings I have to cut that the cutting of will hurt some people that I do love, somewhere deep down inside; but those strings have turned into a hang-mans noose, and they've got to go, for my own mental stability. But when or how they will get cut is still up in the air. And I've got other stuff on top of that to deal with as well, plus regular life, which is stressful and depressing enough without all the baggage. So, I'm struggling along. I'm hoping that I will get this figured out soon, because I've been dragging most of this around my whole life, and I'm done. Done, but stuck.
And to my support system (you know who you are), I'm going to apologize, once again, for taking so much of your time. If I was paying you, I wouldn't care, but I'm not, and have no way to, but you're still willing to help, and you will never, ever know how much I appreciate it. I just hope that I can actually do something this time, and not just push you and it away so that I'll feel better. Again, thank you, more than you know.
*sigh* Back to the trenches again.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Total and Utter Awesomeness
Jesus's Facebook Profile
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Because You Can Never Know Enough About Me
Where is your cell phone? I'm the last person on the planet without one. Including those in third-world countries.
Your hair? Brown/boring, permed.
Your favorite thing? Being with The Man, laughing.
Your dream last night? I think I dreamed about work. Sad.
Your favorite drink? Dr Pepper.
Your dream/goal? Dream: to be a good mom. Goal: to be a master herbalist as soon as possible.
The room you are in? living room
Your fear? The dark, freezing to death, and heights.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here, with The Man, and a couple of kids.
Muffins? My homemade raspberry bran muffins. Best Ever. Mmmmmm.
One of your wish list items? A really good, easy to use, house planning program that includes interior decorating.
Where you grew up? Great Falls, Montana
The last thing you did? Wrote my previous blog post.
What are you wearing? Wouldn't you like to know?
Your TV? Useless as of June 12th.
Pets? 2 large dogs, 2 neurotic cats, and a WOW playing room mate.
Your computer? Homemade.
Your life? Just like everyone else's, but completely different.
Your mood? Relieved.
Missing someone? The Man's health.
Your car? Still running, miracles of miracles.
Favorite store? Any book store.
Your summer? Rainy with a chance of heat.
Your favorite color? Purple
When was the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Long enough ago that I don't remember.
Three people who email you? The Mom, my school, Facebook.
Three of your favorite foods? Tacos, soft serve ice cream, fresh cherries.
Three places you’d rather be right now? I can't think of any.
Today's Episode: Fun With The Kitchen Sink
The Kitchen Sink That Got Fixed
Once upon a time, there was a lovely couple who were getting ready to make a long awaited trip to the forest to visit their long-lost relatives. They had saved a little bit of money, and were quite excited to go. But the Kitchen Sink had other plans for them. He decided to set a little trap. He plotted and planned for months, almost getting caught once, but was able to bluff his way out of it. And so the night before their departure arrived, the the lovely couple was none the wiser to his evil plan. Finally the hour was at hand, and he set the wheels in motion. As the lovely half of the couple was doing the dishes in the sink, so that they wouldn't sit there and stink up the place while they were gone, the drain suddenly disengaged its self from the sink, allowing all the water in the sink to spray out all over the inside of the cabinet.
The kitchen sink was so happy to see the frustration and anger of the lovely half when she saw what had happened. As her, the better half, and the room mate were all trying to figure out what to do, he then started to drip at the back of the cabinet. Upon the discovery and subsequent investigation of this drip, he let loose another barrage of water as he opened a hole he had carefully fashioned in a hidden spot.
The cursing and yelling were quite exuberant after that. The Kitchen Sink was quite satisfied that he had foiled their plans to enjoy their vacation. But the lovely couple had other plans. The left the Kitchen Sink, all taken apart, for a whole week, and they enjoyed their visit to their long-lost relatives in the forest very much, not thinking about the Kitchen Sink at all. But when they returned, they began to make plans for revenge upon the sink. He knew that something was up, and was wary of them, but was taken by surprise when they came upon him with a pipe wrench.
It was his one weak spot, and there was nothing he could do. So a great majority of his pipes were replaced with shiny, new, plastic pipes, and a brand new drain, that had good souls, unlike his evil one. The Kitchen Sink was in agony. He was being replaced, little by little! But he had one last trick up his sleeve before he would go. He refused to drain. The lovely couple tried everything to get him to drain for them, short of begging, but he didn't budge. For 4 days they fought, until finally, the sink was mortally wounded in the clog, and he died. But he was resurrected as a brand new Kitchen Sink by the shiny, new (and clean) pipes, and now he and the lovely couple are happy, content, and treat each other with respect.
So yeah, that was stupid. I hope you liked it anyway. Fixing that stupid sink was the worst, so I'm going to go treat myself to a Dr Pepper. To The Man, the Payson Friends, and the Roommate, I say, Thank you. The war would not have been won without your great sacrifices.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Chocolate, Better Than You Ever Imagined
"Chocolate also contains significant amounts of methylxanthines, most notably caffeine and theobromine (a caffeine-like substance found almost exclusively in chocolate). Both are stimulants, and caffeine can cause noticeable behavioral effects. Although the methylxanthines are bases, they have a very low pKa (0.5) and, hence, are highly fat soluble and are absorbed from the stomach and through the walls of the intestines, easily crossing both the blood-brain and placental barriers. In animals, theobromine appears to have effects congruent to those of caffeine, although theobromine causes less stimulation and takes longer to induce a peak pharmacological effect. Moreover, recent clinical studies have suggested that theobromine suppresses vagus nerve activity, which is responsible for coughing. In fact, theobromine has been shown to be nearly 30% more effective in stopping persistent coughs than the leading medicine codeine. Consequently, chocolate is now being marketed as the new, effective cough suppressant.
While the quantities of methylxanthines in chocolate are variable even within a brand, a typical 1.65-oz Hershey milk chocolate bar contains only 10 mg of caffeine (22 mg/200 g) and 92 mg of theobromine (197 mg/100 g). For comparison, a cup of coffee usually contains 80–100 mg caffeine, and no theobromine. While the relative concentrations of methylxanthines in chocolate are low, the caffeine and theobromine are nevertheless likely to play a large role in the pharmacological effects of chocolate. Although the dosage typically found in chocolate appears to exert only modest, caffeine-like symptoms, the combined effects of theobromine and caffeine in cocoa products may differ from those of either compound alone. Moreover, a recent study demonstrated that when comparing cocoa powder with just the isolated methylxanthines, the two groups exhibited similar pharmacological effects. The researchers concluded that since the cocoa powder (which contains all of the active compounds in chocolate) had similar activity to the isolated methylxanthines, the pharmacological effects of chocolate are most likely largely due to the methylxanthines."
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hail, Hail, Chocolate is King!
Chocolate DOESN'T have caffeine in it!
First, before you say "So? Caffeine isn't bad for you!" I must stop you. Caffeine is an alkaloid that naturally occurs in coffee and tea (as in black, green, and white). Alkaloids have a low therapeutic margin, which means that the amount you can take that won't poison you between the amount you can take that will poison you is very small. Apparently, caffeine is very powerful, and can poison you if you take it excessively (caffeine headaches, anyone?), though I'm not sure what exactly the symptoms of poisoning from it are. I do know that it is basically legal speed, and is highly addictive. Coffee and tea themselves suck a lot of nutrients from your body. (If you want more details on that, let me know, I will find it in my notes and tell you.)
ANYWAY . . . .
I know a lot of people who think that there is caffeine in chocolate, because of how it makes you feel good. I know there are a few who don't eat it (or drink it, as in hot chocolate) because they think that caffeine is the reason we don't drink coffee and tea (it's never actually be specified why). So, for those out there that think this, here is The Totally Awesome Truth I learned today:
*That feel goodness comes from an alkaloid called theobromine. It is the primary alkaloid in cocoa and chocolate. It is frequently confused with caffeine, but has very different effects on the body. It is a mild, lasting stimulant with a mood improving affect. In medicine, it is used as a diuretic, vasodilator, and a myocardial stimulant (theobromine, not chocolate. Too bad for that). It has antitussive effect superior to codeine by suppressing vagus nerve activity (I'm not sure what that means, except that it's a fantastic pain reliever).
SO . . . .
That means, if you are in pain
If you are sad,
If you are tired,
If you are angry,
If you are depressed,
If you are happy,
Yep, it's the answer to all our problems, just like we always knew, deep down inside.
* taken in entirety (except for those parentheses) from my notes from my lesson today.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Evil Vaccines Will Get Our Babies!
But I changed my mind when I read this article. Apparently the doctor who started the whole mess with his report faked the whole thing. Well, his results at least. And that makes me sad. Why would a man want to fake results to something like this? Not vaccinating can be deadly, autism, while sad, is not. Not vaccinating could cause epidemics of terrible diseases, autism isn't contagious. So why, WHY would people not want to vaccinate their children? You're not the only one not vaccinating (because you are preaching it to everyone else), so what do you think would happen if it all stopped? That those diseases would stay at the level they are at now? No, silly. They would explode. Everyone would get sick who hadn't been vaccinated, because they would have no immunity to it. A lot of people would die. And while your child may not be autistic, they might be dead, or severely deformed or in major, major pain for the rest of their life (Edit that. My great aunt was in pain from bad arthritis, not polio, though I do remember the braces on her legs. I must have equated the braces with the pain. They certainly looked painful).
I think I will vote for a healthy, happy child, myself.
Oh, here's the first article that led me to the second article that changed my mind.
(yes, I know it's a humor website, but I think this guy really did his research. Bear with me and read it. Besides, it makes fun of Jenny McCarthy, and who doesn't want to read that?)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Yes, I'm Pissed Off
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Celebrate, Celebrate!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Best Tax Day Ever
So, it's snowing. AGAIN. Let's just make tax day more stressful by adding really wet snow to drive in, into the mix. Thanks, God.
When The Man came home, he declared in his best I-am-the-patriarch-of-this-family voice and said,
"Since it's snowing, we are going Christmas shopping."
So, today became Christmas in April. We picked 3 things off of our wish lists, cost a non-issue, and we headed to the mall to shop. The Man is easy. He wanted video games. So I only had to go to one store. As for me, apparently I'm harder to shop for. He tried to find me 5 different things, before finally finding the 6th one.
What did we get? The Man got a copy of Crackdown for the 360 (I don't like the violence in the game, but we have no kids, and he's a big boy). I tried to get a Castlevania game for the DS first, but they didn't have the cartridge for the case that they DID have. So he got Crackdown. (And I bought myself Guitar Hero Aerosmith, because it was 10 bucks, and The Little Brother is awesome and gave me Guitar Hero 1, 2, and 3 with 2 guitars for a late Christmas gift when he came to visit a couple of weeks ago.) My gift was Lego Indiana Jones, which I have been pining away for since it came out. I will beat this game, without cheating, just like I will beat Lego Star Wars without cheating (I'm thisclose). That should bring my total of games I've beat without cheating to, oh, about 3 or 4.
And so, a crappy day has turned into a great day, and it's all The Man's fault.
Oh, and I think I'm getting sick again. Poop.
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Gospel Side: Your Answer
In a church that is set up the traditional way (with a center aisle), the side directly in front of the pulpit is the gospel side. The Gospels (Matthew Mark, Luke, and John of the New Testament) are always read from the pulpit. Also, the pulpit is traditionally on the left (if you are facing it) or stage right. The other side is called the epistle side, because that is were the minster or liturgist or someone would read from the New Testament (not including Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John), and the Old Testament. It is also called the lecturn side. My dad said that sometimes you will find the set up switched, where the pulpit is on the right hand side, or stage left, but not often. I hope that this answer finds you, whoever you are. Because it's pretty neat-o stuff!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Living Life with Balls
Okay, I couldn't come up with anything better for the title. But I got this in my e-mail, and really liked it. Read, then go and do thou like wise. I'll let you know if I ever get out of the lovely, warm shallow water.
Live in Deep Water by Mitt Romney
If you were looking for a family motto this would be one to consider:
I don't remember when it was exactly that I finally went past the sandbar. My family had a summer cottage on the shores of one of the Great Lakes. For the first forty or so feet, the lake is shallow, warm, and protected from big waves by the sandbar. That's where I spent most of the hot summer days as a boy. I liked it there.
One day, my brother got me up on water skis. Perhaps fearing that a turn would make me fall, he drove the boat, and me, straight out into the deep. By the way, this lake is over 100 miles wide.
I screamed at him the whole terrifying ride. He took me about a half mile out. But ever after, the deep water was where I wanted to be: surfing in the breakers, water skiing, diving. I got out of the shallow water for good.
Over the years, I have watched a good number of people live out their lives in the shallows. In the shallows, life is all about yourself, your job, your money, your house, your rights, your needs, your opinions, your ideas, and your comfort.
In the deeper waters, life is about others: family, friends, faith, community, country, caring, commitment. In the deeper waters, there are challenging ideas, opposing opinions, and uncomfortable battles.
Almost every dimension of your life can be held to the shallows or taken into the deeper water. Your career, your involvement with others, your spouse and your children, your politics, each can be lived with you comfortably at the center. Or, they can draw you out of yourself, into service and sacrifice, into selflessness.
At some point in your life, a few of you may be presented with the opportunity to step off your career path, to give yourself fully to some kind of service.
When I was asked to leave my investment company to run the Olympics in Salt Lake City, I d ismissed the idea out of hand. I was making too much money, I didn't know bupkes about running a sports event. The job would pay me nothing. The organization was in the worst condition of any I had ever seen. And, after the Games were over, the position would lead nowhere. It was a dead end. I took it. It was the highlight of my professional life. I gave more of myself than I ever had before. I came to know and respect remarkable people.
There are currencies more lasting than money. It can be enormously rewarding to take the unobvious course, to jump into the deep water. Bias is shallow thinking and shallow water. Read widely, particularly from people who disagree with you. Argue to learn rather than to win. If you don't respect, I mean really respect, the views of people who disagree with you, then you don't understand them yet.
There are smart people on both sides of almost every important issue. Learn from them all. If you have life all figured out in neat little packages, you're in Neverland, not the real world. And it's boring there. There's one more thing I've seen in the people who swim in the deep waters of life. They don't fashion their values and principles to suit their self-interest; they live instead by enduring principles that are fundamental to society and to successful, great lives.
I learned important lessons about those principles from some of the Olympians I saw in Salt Lake City, like bobsledder Vonetta Flowers. Vonetta was brakeman on USA sled two. All the attention, however, was on sled one, the sled that had taken the World Cup and was a lock for the Olympic Gold. But just before the Olympics, the pilot of sled one dropped her partner and invited Vonetta Flowers to join her. Vonetta had a tough decision. On sled one, she'd get a gold medal for sure; the first Olympic gold to be won by an African American in the Olympic Winter Games. Those of us rooting for US medals hoped she would jump to sled one. She didn't. She decided that friendship and loyalty to her longtime teammate on sled two was more important than winning the gold. Of course, sled one did well. But when sled two beat them all, coming in first, the crowd went nuts. And tears dripped off Vonetta's cheeks. Friendship and loyalty above gold.
You live one time only. Don't spend it in safe, shallow water. Launch out into the deep. Give yourself to your family, to your career, to your community. Open your mind to diverging viewpoints. And live, not by what suits the moment, but by the principles that endure for a lifetime.
Jump in, the water's fine!
Monday, March 23, 2009
More random ranting
First and foremost, I CAN NOT STAND people who have codependent relationships with their significant others. I'm fine with the kissy cuddly ones. The ones that irk me are the ones that act like their lives will fall apart if they spend one second away from the other person. The ones that have absolutely no life outside of their relationship. I especially can't stand the ones that can't make a decision, no matter how small, with out the others input. Rant end.
Oh, and I can't stand it when a wife or husband has issues with their partner hugging someone of the opposite sex. Unless you have reason to believe that you spouse will step out on you just because they've hugged someone, then I don't think people should be so uptight about it. It's such a possessive attitude. It's just a hug people!
I'm pissed at work. I've worked there for a year, over a year. I have never received any sort of recognition for the work I do. Oh, I've gotten private kudos, when I've asked for evaluations of my work. But I would like some sort of public kudos, especially since I run freight for at least half of every day of the week. But then, I don't think the freight manager has gotten any kudos either. That's the problem with working behind the scenes. No one notices what you do until you mess up and the whole system is screwed up. I'd work harder, but I'm not sure I can. That sucks.
I also hate being busy. I hate looking at my calender and seeing it filled with meetings and obligations. I love it when the scheduling is for friends, but hate responsibilities, especially since most of the ones that are on there are ones that I felt pressured into, not ones that I actually want to do. And so my life turns into something that can hardly be controlled. And I don't even have kids yet! We are going to turn into social hermits someday, just like The In-Laws. I think they have it right. They never do anything that they don't want to do, and get to stay home and relax all the time. That's the life.
Oh, The Little Brother is coming to visit next week! I'm so excited! He said that he's going to vacuum my furniture, too, so that he doesn't get hair all over his clothes. Sweet! Now I don't have to do it! Everyone come to my house to see it clean, before the hair settles on everything again. You'll probably have a 5 minute window, 10 if I leave the dogs outside.
And we get to fly to Massachusetts in June, treat of The In-Laws. They are so awesome, and I can't wait for June now. We haven't seen them since The Brother-In-Laws wedding. Too long!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Day of Faith: Personal Quests for a Purpose - 3. Rachel Esplin from Harvard Hillel on Vimeo.