This Years Random Crap Pileup (Now with pictures!)
So, I really should stop surfing the web for more crochet patterns. I've got more than I could possibly make in a lifetime. But I have to have my fix, man! I've got it under control, really. I can stop whenever I want to. I just don't want to. Luckily for me, most of them are on the computer, so people don't know about my obsession.
Apparently Cat 2 doesn't support Nintendo. Who would have guessed?
My birthday bonfire. From one of the best parties I ever had, ever. You girls are awesome and totally need to come scorch my table again after Christmas!
This is plantain. You can totally eat it. Or use it for bug bites (I think. I'll have to look that up). Or drink tea from it. I took a picture because I recognized it thanks to my schoolage. Me so smrt.
An orange slug. It's my new mascot. If only someone would tell me how to post it for my banner picture, I'd be all set.
The Man's hands after he got bit (accidentally) trying to break up a dog fight.
Dog 1 decided that this was an appropriate response to "lay down" when she wanted to watch whatever it was that was outside.
Random prize of my choosing to the first person to spot the anomaly.
This is how deep the hole was (we were staking our tree straight. Can't have gay trees, it's unnatural). It's not real clear, but it wasn't very deep. Not even 2 feet. It also wasn't very wide.
This is how many rocks came out of that hole. Our yard grows rocks.
And gay trees.
It's a dog party! The 3 extra dogs belong to The Dog Friends.
After 3 years, and a compromise involving a big screen tv, it's finally coming off! I just wish I had gotten a picture of it in all it's hideous glory before, but I didn't think about it.
And last but not least:
A GUESSING GAME!!! (no guessing if you already know.)
Any takers?
Come on, the last one should have been a dead giveway.
Ah, I thought you guys were smarter than that!
Screw fixing it. Who wants to buy me a new oven for Christmas?
P.S. You want to read my sink story again. It has pictures now. Yay!
Dang! I'm not allowed to guess on any of those!
ReplyDeleteI guess I should be glad. It just means I am that much more awesome. ;)
Are those dead bodies above ground, or is it your birthday cake minus the candles(who would need candles with dead people, anyway?) Well I guessed right about the oven, I am sorry that it busted on ya. Those things are usually more expensive than anybody likes. Be sure to post the correct answer, i am die-ing to know..Get it!
ReplyDeleteNever mind, I just found it (The anomally). And I choose not to talk about it.
ReplyDeleteHey! I didn't make the skeletons. The Dog Friends did. You can blame them for having dirty minds. Not me. I'm an angel!
ReplyDeletelol. yup.