Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friends are more than a TV show

Let me just say, epiphany's are great. Heavenly Father works in the weirdest and most unexpected ways. An unexpected question from a friend led me to this one. I'm not going to go into what I discovered, it's too personal for posting here. But, I'm content, and learning how to be okay with that. It's brought me greater peace than I could have known.

The best of the best friends has come home! The Childhood Friend found me on MySpace and wrote me. It was so unexpected. I thought for sure that I would never see or speak to her again after the last time we split ways. I have missed her more than I knew and I'm so glad to have her back in my life. Too bad she doesn't live close. It would be so great to see her. She pointed out in her last e-mail that she told me that she "never had a better friend to enjoy food with." Everyone needs a friend that they can eat with! It was great eating with her. Though I could eat anything at the time and not gain an ounce. Not so much anymore. But hey, that comes with getting older. Everyone needs a friend they can eat with, without worrying about judgement on what or how much they are eating. Well, girls do anyway. I don't think I've had that since. And, for me anyway, if you can eat with someone with out fear of being judged, you can trust them to not judge you in other ways. Food has so much weight in our society.

And speaking of weight gain, how can you not love a man that says, while you are crying into your pillow for gaining 50 pounds since being married, that he likes the way you look now so much more than he did when you got married. I know I can't. And he likes how I look in my bikinis. Yeah, he's a keeper.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Yay for Pictures!

At least the dogs like the snow.

Just because they are so darn cute!

Tomas wanted dinner too.

And this is what happens when you use your face to protect yourself from getting hit by a door, or a wall, or something hard and immobile.

Sick, Man, Sick!

Oh great, now I have bronchitis! And The Man has a sinus infection. And I was thisclose to being done with this stupid cold. But noooooo, I had to have sex, wonderful, beautiful sex, and give my cold to The Man, and get worse myself. We went to the doctor yesterday, at an urgent care place close to our house. The place was empty of patients, which was nice because we were seen right away. And the doctor was nice too. Which is always a bonus. Anyway, we have the same thing, just that The Man's is in his ear and nose, and mine is in my chest, with some in my ear. So now we are on antibiotics and a nasty, nasty cough syrup that sends The Man into convulsions everytime he has to take it. Which is 4 times a day. Same with the antibiotics. FUN TIMES FOR ALL!!!! I'll tell you more someday, when I'm not completly miserable with achiness and stuffiness and coughiness and can actually feel my fingers enough to type.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ah Family. . . .

You know I love my family, but it doesn't mean I have to be seen with them in broad daylight.

-Keeping Up Apperances