Monday, June 14, 2010

Well, At Least It APPEARS To Be Human. . .

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! Nah nah to all you boy predictors out there!

We are extremely excited. We both wanted a girl first. The news is mostly good too. She is developing just fine, a little small for 24 weeks, so they may push the date back. Boo to that. Also, my fluid level is low, which is either because I'm not as far along as thought, or because I'm not drinking enough water. So I get to go in again for an ultrasound next week, and I have to drink a gallon of water every day. The Man says it's not that much if you spread it out, but I say, and my bladder agrees, that's a lot of freaking water. I wish I could just stick an IV in my arm and do it that way. I hate water. It's so boring. But pop dries you out, unfortunately, so I can't just drink that. Phooey.

But it's a girl! Yay! Cute girly stuff!!!! I already have a little velvet dress that is waiting for her to wear, that is so tiny she should be able to wear it right off the bat. Exciting!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Updates Shmupdates

SO, I seem to be on a roll for posting once a month. Sometimes I just forget that I have this thing.

UPDATES: My nausea is gone! I can eat again! Yippie skippie! I still get slightly sick some days, but I haven't thrown up in weeks, which makes me so uber happy. But let me all remind you, pregnancy is weird. I have no cravings for anything, and I'm not super hungry all the time (though I drink about 3 times as much water as before). I'm 24 weeks as of today, and apparently I'm carrying around a uterus the size of a soccer ball, but no, OF COURSE it's not showing on ME (this is why there have been no belly pics. I just look kind of fat, unless I'm naked and laying down. And no one wants to see that). But the baby kicks me if I wait to long to eat after getting hungry, kicks me A LOT if I do nothing but sit all day, especially if I play Guitar Hero, kicks even more when my massage therapist is messing with my pelvis to keep it forward to try and prevent back labor (he can feel those). It is weird that the kicks no longer feel like fart bubbles, and actually feel like kicks. I can see them if they are particularly hard. Sometimes the kicking weirds me out, other times I get all pregnancy-sappy and coo and giggle over it. One interesting fact that I learned from one of my pregnancy books (Prenatal Parenting. I recommend it): The uterus has no touch sensory nerves in it, so you're not feeling the baby hitting it, your feeling your uterus actually stretch out when the baby kicks. Crazy.

Also, we are finding out what the sex is on Monday. I am scared and sooooooooo excited. And I want a girl. I think "she" when I think about it, and I've had a couple of baby girl dreams, but not many. The Man wants a girl too. All the girls at my work want a girl too, though all the boys want a boy. Imagine that.

Non-Preggo Updates: We have the worst luck with computers. This one broke last week, right before I had a school test due. And of course, it doesn't get fixed until yesterday (thanks Dog Friends). This time, it was a bad RAM stick. We have two, thank goodness, but we will need to get another one if The Man ever wants to play much WOW again. And we really need to get our hard drives in order. We have 3 or 4 in there, and when we got the computer back from the shop, it wouldn't boot because it was looking on the wrong hard drive for Windows. But our friends brother helped our friends figure out which hard drive it was, and all is good, for the next 3 or 4 months, when our motherboard will probably fry or something. I had to go to the library to do my school work. All the computers there are so slow and it's so aggravating. But I managed to get most of it done in the hour allotted to me. Except an essay. That took me days. Why is there no where on the Internet that explains the mechanics behind nerve endings going numb? Like, what signal is sent to the nerve endings by the brain, and what chemical is released to make it happen? Really. There is nothing. I ended up just doing a different essay question because I couldn't answer that one to my own satisfaction. But it was still super late. Hopefully I won't get docked points.

Now I am off to the vet to get dog food for Dog 2. Here's hoping I get back before they shut down our street for Orem Crapperfest.