Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Saturnalia! (Post of Controversy #2)

Let's go singing naked!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Post of Controversy #1

So I recently, very stupidly, posted a political post on Facebook.  Thankfully, nothing major happened and there was no major shit-storm on my wall like happened on other friend's walls that posted similar things.  But what little DID happen was the final push I needed to step back from Facebook.  I have decided that any and all things that I want to share with the world, controversial or not, will now go on my blog instead of Facebook.  Very few people read my blog (at least according to the desert the comment section is), and as such, I feel it is a less public space than Facebook.  It seems it may be easier for my more conservative friends to ignore the fact that I disagree with them since they just don't have to come here at all, ever.  They won't have to hide me completely on their Facebook walls, and so they can still glut themselves on pictures of my adorable daughter.  Because who DOESN'T want to do that?

Honestly, I don't understand why everyone just doesn't think like me.  Come on, I'm amazing and perfect.  Why fight it?  You know I'm right.

Anyway, here is my first Post of Controversy.  I don't remember who sent me this link originally, but I really like what Dr. Eagleman has to say.  You really CAN'T know.  And that's an amazing prospect which really opens up the world to you.  "Knowing" shuts your mind down and removes the wonder, amazement, and joy that comes from learning something new.