Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Post of Controversy #4

Suck it, homophobes!

P.S.  The Man is angrily jealous of their super awesome hair.  "Punch them in their nice hair!"

Sunday, January 19, 2014


This video speaks volumes to how I've been feeling lately. My life is wonderful!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Post (Link, Really) of Controversy #3

I've been working hard this last year to get over my body image issues, and have been frequenting HAES (Health At Every Size) and positive body image blogs for some moral support.  Because of this, I have read a lot about the so-called "childhood obesity crisis".  The blogger I'm linking to says how I feel about the situation a lot better than I can (I would just get all ranty and incoherent).  The article is really good, so go and read, and learn.

Is The Childhood Obesity Crisis a Big, Fat, Red Herring?