Saturday, August 4, 2012

How to Make A Reusable Swiffer Wet-Jet Cloth

Look!  3 posts in 3 days!  I'm on a roll!

Several months ago, I did a post on how to refill your Swiffer Wet-Jet cleaner thingy.  One of my friends asked for a post on how to make a reusable pad thingy.  Well, here it is!

WARNING:  My finished product does not look remotely professional.  So no laughing.  

First, you'll need one of those "prefold" burp rags OR 7-8 pieces of some absorb-able fabric like toweling or flannel about10.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches tall; 2 10 inch long pieces of the loop side of velcro (mine was 3/4"); thread (duh).

If you're using a prefold, tri-fold it so that it's about 4.5" tall, measure 10.5" long, mark, and cut.  If you're using regular fabric, just stack them.

Pin the fabric together.

Sew it together.  Use a zig zag stitch to avoid unraveling.

Pin the velcro loop on.

Sew it on using any stitch you want.

Slap it on, and you're done! 

Now go mop that nasty floor.....

Friday, August 3, 2012

Beauty Tips from Someone Who Rarely Wears Makeup

I may not wear makeup, but I do shave my legs. 


Anyway, did you know that you're supposed to exfoliate you legs before you shave?  Neither did I, until I read this post over at One Good Thing.  So I tried it today, using the recipe on the post.  Can I just say, AWESOME!!  My legs feel nice and moisturized, they don't look like they've been sprayed with flocking, and they feel AMAZING.  I can't stop feeling them, and I can't wait for The Man to come home so HE can feel them.  I think after not shaving for 2+ weeks, he'll appreciate it. 

Here's the recipe!

1 1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup olive oil (or baby oil, or apricot oil, or sunflower oil, or whatever oil you want to use that will moisturize your skin)
3 Tbs citrus juice (lemon or lime)

Mix everything together.  I recommend putting it in the bottle you're going to use and just shake it up (and I recommend using a squeeze bottle so that water doesn't get in to it if you choose to use it in the shower, but a glass jar with a lid would work too). 
To Use:  soak in the tub for at least 5 minutes, or if you're showering, then at least shampoo and condition your hair.  Apply the mixture to your legs and rub it in until the sugar is pretty much gone.  The abrasiveness of the sugar rubs off all the dirt and dead skin, the lemon juice works as a mild skin peel, and the olive oil penetrates deep into the skin to provide moisture.   After rubbing the mixture in for a few minutes (rinsing optional, I didn't), shave, rinse, and repeat.  That's right, do it again.  Trust me, you want to. 

Enjoy your sexy, smooth legs!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Good grief it's been a long time.  It sucks going through crap that you can't talk about online.  Sigh.

In other news:

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