Monday, March 31, 2008


Yep, I admit it, I am gullible. How do I know? Don't most gullible people think they are hard to fool? Well, I realized today that I will believe just about anything written in a book that sounds good unless it pisses me off. Then there is no possible way that it could be true. What causes me to say such things? I picked up a book while working today that touted consuming more greens and the massive health benefits that will happen if you do. I read the book jacket, the foreword, and authors note, and the first page of the first chapter and by then I was thinking, "This sounds really good. The Man and I should totally do this." And that was all I read of the book, all shift. My brain is now convinced that our lives would be so much richer and fuller and healthier if we would just eat "green drinks" every day! So, I am Gullible.

Now, I'm sure there are many, many benefits to eating your roughage, whether it be in smoothie form, juice form, or a salad, and I'm sure that the benefits would be HUGE for me and The Man if we actually ate that well. I really do want to try it, but I'm thinking that maybe I should read a bit more about it to find out if we would actually stick to it before I spend our retirement savings on books about how to eat more lettuce. Will I be able to hold out? Will I start eating like a rabbit? Will The Man be willing to forgo his doughnuts to eat a smoothie of cabbage and other such greenness? Will anyone really care? Find out in the next installment of. . . . .well, probably not this blog.

Oh, and just because you know the assistant manager (or even the store manager. Or the OWNER!) of a store does not give you the right to enter said store 1 minute before closing, and leisurely do your weeks worth of shopping, causing at least one cashier and several floor people to have to stay late. We are here to serve you, but we are not your servants. Have some respect, and let us go home on time!

1 comment:

  1. "Oh frabjious day! Caloo calay! I got my stuff for my correspondence courses! I'm so excited, and can't wait for Monday so that I can get started learning how to tell all my friends they are eating crap, and to feed to the paranoia of the masses. Yippee!!
    I mean. . . .ahem. . . . .
    Actually, I do believe a lot of stuff that gets passed around about how bad the food we eat is, how bad the water we drink is, how bad western medicine can be for you. At this point, (note: I reserve the right to a Woman's Prerogative, that is, to change my mind at any time) I think that most of the food we eat that is laced with man-made chemicals because it's cheaper to make that way, are also addicting. I think that the companies that make those products really don't want us to eat healthy. If we did, they'd all be out of business. They are banking on the fact that we are all really lazy, and hate to cook. It's the American Way. Why should mom bake an apple pie when you can just buy a frozen one to thaw and reheat before the big baseball game?
    A lot of people I know don't want to eat "right" because it tastes so different"

    i'm confused. eat green or don't?


I will be watching, and just like Santa Claus, if you are naughty, I will hunt you down and feed you to my reindeer (I keep them in my shed). I reserve the right to delete any and all comment that make my feelgoods feel bad.